Lions of Liberty Kickoff


The day has finally arrived!  The liberty chain has a blog on the interwebs.  I'll be acting as administrator of the blog and I have invited The Snake, Clair, McWilliams, and Howie to contribute as authors.  I could also see the addition of a JB and a Trent if you two are interested.  I'm excited to kick off a new era of campaigning for liberty and promoting the campaign of Ron Paul, the all time champion of liberty.

I think it's only fitting to include in this inaugural post some breaking news on a government scheme gone bad, Solyndra.  The blogging machine Robert Wenzel, of, introduces this breaking news fittingly.
When it comes to government money, it's always about insiders running circles around the government money and pocketing a piece.  Don't ever forget that. And usually, there is a crony investment banker as part of the program.

The only thing that suprises me about stories like Solyndra are that we don't hear more instances of similar scandal in the news.  Maybe it's because our "respected" news organizations are busy covering this.

Medical-imaging photographs released by Brazilian authorities show 72 bags of cocaine in the man's gastrointestinal tract, or nearly a kilogram of the narcotic.

Although, swallowing that amount of concaine is incredibly impressive, does it really need to be a lead story.  Fox News thinks it does.There's plenty of stories, videos, and articles every single day that impact your liberty.  This blog will become your one stop for all things liberty.I hope this first blog post has been educational and entertaining for you.  If it wasn't, maybe you should go swallow some bags of cocaine.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


A Quick Guide to Discussing Liberty-Small Govt Edition