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Dropping Cain; Get Ready for Newtvember

Hermain Cain has undoubtedly been the most entertaining candidate in the 2012 GOP Primary Race. From his weird and creepy campaign ads to his inspiring Ode To Pizza, his rise as GOP "Frontrunner" hasn't ceased to amaze for one second.But as the never-ending scramble by the GOP Establishment and the Mainstream Media to find a suitable Non-Ron Paul candidate to take on Mitt Romney continues, I predict that in the coming weeks we will see a fall from grace from the Herman Cain campaign. Between his non-position on abortion and his bafflingly inconsistent damage control to the recent sexual harassment claims (author's note: I largely choose to ignore this stuff other than for sheer entertainment value. It may be true, it may not be, but regardless I'd much rather go after Cain on his past association with the Federal Reserve and his support for TARP Bailouts), it seems Herman Cain is due for a big fall. The latest Rasmussen poll has him back down to 17% to Perenially Dubbed Frontrunner Mitt Romney's 41%, with Ron Paul remaining consistenly at 3rd with a solid 11%. It seems that, like Rick Perry (who seems to have now completely lost his mind) before him , Herman Cain's meteoric rise will be matched only by his meteoric fall from grace.Both the GOP and the media are desperate to not allow the most consistently polling and fundraising candidate after Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, to rightfully be labeled as Romney's main challenger. First it was Michele Bachmann. Then Rick Perry. Then Herman Cain. And I predict that the next flavor of the month will be none other than everybody's favorite GOP Standby and Council on Foreign Relations Member, Newt Gingrich! They've tried to push just about everyone else, and Jon Huntsman and Rick Santorum's combined support is around the level of the Spice Girls current fan base. Newt is as establishment as they come, and is extremely smart politically. In fact, the media is already starting to plant the seeds They will push his "New Contract for America" (because that old one worked out so great!) and claim he is leading the Tea Party wing of the Republican Party. Bank on it. You see, the GOP and the Mainstream Media can't admit Ron Paul can actually compete for the GOP nomination. If they admit he can compete, they admit he can win. And if they admit he can win, they admit that what he is talking about matters. Ending the wars, Ending the Federal Reserve System of paper money, real spending cuts - this is radical thinking in a race where most candidates are doing nothing more than bashing Obama, pushing for bombing more Muslims and reminding us how great America is. And nobody is hurt more by a radical change in government than those that benefit from it (the Establishment, be it GOP or Democrat, it's all the same club) and those that protect and promote the establishment (the Mainstream Media).Time will tell how this all shakes out, but the next couple of months should prove interesting as the establishment continues to play Pin The Tail on the Frontrunner and pretend that quirky old guy dude rambling about endless money printing and and wars doesn't exist! Luckily, you all have the Lions of Liberty to turn to to get through it all, especially those atrocious GOP Debates!UPDATE: Apparently Hermie and Newt are already aware of this, and have agreed to have a 3 HOUR DEBATE (WTF!?!?) with each other to pass the torch.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!