Flags Fly in Libya for...Al Qaeda?!

I don't have much time today, but this one requires some back story so I'm going to briefly sum up American foreign policy of the last decade for you in one rambling, run on sentence:A bunch of Muslims called Al Qaeda led by a tall dude with kidney disease get mad at the USA for our freedom and fly planes into buildings so we send troops to Afghanistan to get him but let most of them escape to Pakistan and then invade Iraq to get WMD's that weren't there and then Gaddafi in Libya gets scared so he plays nice and gives up his WMD's while we decide we need to kill even more Muslims in more countries than our troops can handle so we start sending robot drones to kill more people in Pakistan and Yemen while we have the TSA start taking naked pictures of us and grabbing our crotches at airports to keep us safe and then decide and then we finally kill that old bearded dude with kidney disease but decide that Gaddafi is still not all that great so we send in the CIA to go in and team up with those same Al Qaeda guys to take him out!Everybody get that?!The end result, is a new lease on life for all Libyans, as they get to experience freedom, USA-style, which of course means getting setup with a nice new central bank and flying the flag of Al Qaeda.Read more at the Daily MailWith foreign policy like this, I can't for the life of me figure out why those stupid oil-hoarding Muslims don't like us!Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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