Ron Paul Owns the GOP

I don't hide my biases. It's well known that I and several of the contributors here support Congressman Ron Paul, both politically and philosophically. When I watch the debates I try to be somewhat objective, at least on the surface. I'll be the first to admit that Ron Paul isn't the best debater, or the most well-spoken candidate up there. He's not "sexy", he doesn't look "strong", he doesn't really have any cool catchphrases.But in tonight's GOP Debate, Ron Paul owned the field. He is the only one with a deep, intelligent and philosophical knowledge of every issue. He doesn't use meaningless phrases like "bring jobs home" and "America is the greatest country on EARTH". And I think for the first time tonight it was clear to anyone who watched, he truly stood out as an intellectual giant among this field of plastic men.If there is anyone out there that isn't quite sure who can really lead this country and expose the disastrous policies of not just the Obama administration, or even all the administrations before it, but the ENTIRE system and the Keynesian philosophy behind it, seriously folks we can stop looking. The Federal Reserve, endless debt and inflation can only end one way and if you don't know what it is Google "history of fiat currency collapse." That is where we are headed, and fast.Believe me, I don't write these blogs and rant all day for my health. I'd much rather sit and watch sports and movies, make some money, read some comics, have some drinks with friends and not worry too much about my life. But unfortunately things aren't all that simple.I don't know if Ron Paul will win this election, or if you any of you out there will vote for him, or even keep reading this blog. None of that really matters, but for the love of all that's holy listen to what he's saying and do some research.That turned into quite the rant, but hey that's why we started this blog, right?Longest. Intro. To Highlights. Ever. But here we are:Good night, and good luck.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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