Bachmann Cries Media Bias: Says MSM Picking GOP Candidate

Wow, look who is chirping about a lack of debate speaking time now (never mind that Ron Paul only got 89 seconds in the last sham of a debate)...Michelle Bachmann!
"There's always a suspicion of maybe a bias and I guess this just confirmed it," she said of a CBS memo before Saturday's debate, which suggested that the Minnesota Republican congresswoman would be ignored during the foreign policy chatfest.

The memo, she said, "demonstrates that the media wants to choose who our nominee will be and who the next president of the United States will be." (USNews)

Now of course, we all know this is true, as the good Dr. Paul is constantly ignored, and even more-so when the debate topic is (in theory) about the economy, where he is hands down the most knowledgeable person on the stage, or on foreign policy (the infamous 89 seconds debate), where he's the only one not towing the Neocon line. It's just entertaining to hear the onetime media darling turn on the hand that fed her (short-lived) rise to the top of the GOP heap. Also nice to see that CBS is stupid enough to put into print that it was going to ignore candidates on topics.

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