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Herman, Herman, Herman, Can't you See.. Sometimes your Insanity, Scares the Crap Out of Me

Ladies and gentlemen, the buffoonery coming from the mouth of GOP Presidential Candidate Herman Cain has reached a new level. I realize that most of the main stream coverage on Mr. Cain revolves around his alledged touching, or thinking about touching, or talking about thinking about touching a woman other than his wife. This coverage has distracted many people from the fact that, this "Tea Party" candidate, is a big government loving, crony capitalist.There has been no shortage of misleading and untruthful statements emanating from Mr. Cain this election season. We heard Herman Cain defend bank bailouts, then oppose them. He has said if you have a problem with Federal Reserve policy you can call them up and ask them about it (I literally fell on the floor laughing at this one). He has called for spending cuts, but proposed a revenue neutral tax plan (9-9-9) and offered increased military spending. Herman claimed that he did not see the Financial collapse of 2008 coming, because he did not have the right people advising him. In the next breath, he offers that his advisers will be made up of the same economists who did not predict the collapse. Mr. Cain claims to be a brilliant business man, but doesn't mention the time he spent on the board of directors at the energy company Aquila. He played an integral role in fleecing hundreds of Aquila employees out of millions in retirement. Last, but certainly not least, has been Mr. Cain foreign policy blunders. It's bad enough that he answers every question related to foreign policy the same way. To paraphrase, "I would do three things, I would find out what the problem is, then I would ask the right people what to do, and lastly I would solve the issue at hand." Well, Mr. Cain with logic like that, it is a wonder that you have opened yourself up to the embarrassment seen in the video below.

Wow, my brain hurts, that was awful. The man is clearly in way over his head. It is a bit painful to watch someone fall apart under immense pressure. It's not too painful to laugh at though! And check out the video below where he furiously and vehemently denies saying something he said less than a minute earlier.Well one thing is clear, the man hates Muslims....

It looks like your 15 minutes of fame is over Herman. Close up shop and put the 9-9-9 pamphlets away. Your time has run out. I'm not a political operative, but even I know it's not a prudent campaign strategy to make a statement, then vigorously claim less than a minute later that you did not make the statement and proceed to blame the internet. You're finished Herman. Now do us all a favor and take the rest of your campaign contributions and make the most insane internet advertisement videos your little heart desires. I know you have it in you to top these two gems, here and here.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!