BREAKING: Pizza is Now A Vegetable!!!

Well, it looks like it's finally safe to consider being a vegetarian, because Congress just made Pizza a vegetable!!! Woohoo!!! As with almost all of the inane things Congress does, this was quietly snuck into a "spending" bill, reversing earlier standards set by the Department of Agriculture at the behest of the Crappy Frozen Foods Lobby. Other school lunch "standards" included in this helps keep french fries and salty foods on the menu for our nation's school children. You know, because the government REALLY, REALLY cares!As long as there is 2 TABLESPOONS of tomato paste on a pizza, it counts as a vegetable. The USDA wanted to make it 1/2 oz. Frankly, it's a pretty questionable idea that even tomato paste is a vegetable, but I digress.This speaks to the larger problem of government involvement in our lives, specifically in food and education. When government controls a sector, you can best be sure that the lobbyists of the industries that work in said sector will quickly vulture their way in, and essentially set the "standards" that Congress will then decide we shall all live by. The solution, as always: End federal control of food, education and everything else for that matter, and leave it to the people who are best equipped to decide theses things, like local governments and organizations or's a crazy idea...parents?Just some food for thought. See what I did there? Ok, we're Lions of Liberty not Lions of Stupid Puns. Whatever, I'm ordering a nice big sausage and bacon pizza to fill my veggie needs for the day!Read more hereReceive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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