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Occupy...Ron Paul?

What is being bandied about as a "hijacking" of a Ron Paul Q & A session in Keene, New Hampshire on Monday appears to be something slightly different. There were Occupy Wall Street supporters at the event that, after the last question was called, started their "Mic Check" routine where one guy (the guy in red in the video below) shouts something and the rest of them repeat it so that everyone can hear. However, this didn't seem like quite as hostile a confrontation as when the Occupy crowd has interrupted the events of other candidates, such as Michele Bachmann.The fact that they actually waited until the end of the evening speaks volumes. It's more of an interjection than a "hijacking". And as you can see in the video the man in red leading the chants is applauding at Ron Paul's statements afterward. I'm not sure of the intent of the Occupiers, but it certainly had a different tone than other so-called "hijackings" we've seen as of late. In fact, it wouldn't make much sense to protest against Ron Paul as he's the one candidate running (Democratic or Republican) that has been against the bailouts for the big banks that allowed them to rob the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve system that enables it all.And the reaction of Dr. Paul is certainly much different than those of other candidates. Like any good Doctor, the first thing he asks is "do you feel any better?". He then proceeds to remind them that he speaks for the 99% and has been speaking out and fighting against all of the corporatism that the Occupy movement is supposed to be against. He didn't disparage them or just tell them to "shower and get a job" like the newly-ordained GOP Front Runner of the Week Newt Gingrich (who's manufactured rise was predicted in this very blog...just sayin'!). He sympathized with them and calmly explained to them the common ground that we all share.When it boils down to it, the fact is that those in this country that are angry with the system, that feel they have been disenfranchised - be they Ron Paul supporters, "Occupiers", "Tea Partiers", or just the average label-less Joe that feels similarly that something is terribly wrong with the country - are essentially on the same side, even if they don't know it.We will only see true change in this country when everyone starts to realize this. And maybe happenings like this are the start of something. If people really want to come together and change things, why not Occupy the Republican Party? Why not come together and support not a man, or a party, but an idea. An idea based on the common knowledge that it is not any one leader that has failed us, it is the entire system that is designed to steal from us. This is an idea I'll be expanding on in future bloggings.In the meantime, it looks like some other folks have already gotten the jump on this. Have you heard about the Blue Republicans?Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!