CNN/ Neocon GOP Debate Live-ish Tweetish Recap!

Tonight America was blessed by YET ANOTHER GOP Presidential debate, this one sponsored by CNN and two of America's most beloved Neoconservative (what's Neoconservative, you ask? Don't worry, you're not alone, even GOP candidate Herman Cain has no idea) organizations, the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute.After sitting through 2 hours of this, I can sum up everything as follows:Ron Paul: We should have a foreign policy of defending the United States, and not of policing the world. We should not infringe on the civil liberties of American citizens in the name of "security". We need to bring the troops home, and if we don't the collapsing dollar will do it for us.Everyone else:Essentially, 7 Republican Party Candidates were up there telling us how we need to bomb Iran to save us from their one nuke they might build some day, bomb Syria to save their people from oppression (just like we sent Al Qaeda to do in Libya!!!), and strip away the 4th Amendment and the rest of our civil liberties while we're at it...all to KEEP US SAFE FROM THOSE SHADOWY TERRORISTS. I should note that Jon Huntsman seems the least insane of the Non-Paul crowd, but he did call for sending more drones to kill people in Afghanistan, so I'm not about to get all gaga eyed over the guy.Meanwhile, you have Ron Paul, a true man of peace, a true man of integrity, who has seen the horrors of war first hand as an Air Force flight surgeon, who receives the most money from active duty military, shining as a beacon of freedom amongst the fascists. And credit to Wolf Blitzer and CNN, he got ample time in this debate to respond and express his positions. No doubt that the backlash CBS received for the mere 89 seconds he got in their recent debate had something to do with this.Dr. Paul's responses:Essentially the GOP (and by default, the Presidential race as a whole, as Obama fits right in with this crowd) comes down to this: Do you want to start World War 3 and bomb the rest of the world into oblivion while the dollar continues it's collapse and the Police State continues to expand as rapidly as our rights deteriorate? If so, support Barack Obama or any of the non-Paul GOP Candidates!!! If you think all that sounds a bit're right, and Ron Paul is your advocate.BONUS! In case you missed our live tweets during the debate, here they are below. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @LionsofLiberty_ (Don't forget the underscore at the end!!!) If you rewatch the debate and read our tweets at the same time it syncs up like "The Wall" with "The Wizard of Oz".Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!And the Tweets:USA! USA! USA! #CheesyPatrioticMontagesSatellite 'black out" during Ron Paul's entrance? Coincidence? Probably. #ForebodingSignsRon Paul polling Top 3 in Iowa and NH...and situated in Santorumville AKA IgnoreThisGuyVilleIs Rick Perry feathering his nest to appear in eHarmony commercials? #CNNDebateAwkward...thought Cain had more to say after that opening remark. He probably Libya'd it. #CNNDebate1st Question: Who cares about liberties? Terrorists are scary!Newts, like most amphibians, advocate a complete loss of personal liberty. 85% of frogs also support the Patriot Act.Newt: If the government calls you a terrorist, NO RIGHTS FOR YOU!Paul: The Patriot Act is unpatriotic because it undermines our liberties.Newt uses the terrible argument of a few lives lost justifying stripping all of American's liberties away. Lovely.Romney on TSA: It will "get better over time" . Yeah, just like cancer. #EndTheTSA #CNNDebateRomney advocates stripping American liberty away so we can protect property...which can be taken away for no reason under the Pat Act.Rick Perry: A CIA bug up every ass! New technology for the Patriot Act! Better. Stronger. FASTER. #cnndebateGreat point by Ron Paul. Terrorism is a TACTIC, not a person or a people. You can't declare "war" on it.Cain calls Wolf "Blitz". Wolf calls him "Cain". Cute couple.Hermain Cain takes his domestic security policy from "Minority Report".Bachmann on Pakistan: That place is crazy messed up...let's give em more $$!!! #CNNDebateLol..."Pakistan is too nuclear to fail." CHECKMATE, BACHMANN!I'm prettty sure Michele Bachman thinks Pakistan sells Nukes at 7-11"Israel Ortega"?? That HAS to be made up.Bachmann: China is meddling in Pakistan, so let's borrow more money from them to give to Pakistan.Huntsman: Brings the troops home from Aghanistan....AND SEND IN THE DRONES. #AlmostHadMeNewt: I wanna talk! Who do you think I am, @RonPaul ?Did Santorum just say " I Agree with @RonPaul "????? Dogs and cats living together!!!BREAKING NEWS: Hermain Cain now a Congressman!Cain on Iran: We need "clarity" because....Iran has lots of mountains. #Can'tMakeThisStuffUpCain: When you're gonna go kill a bunch of Muslims, make sure you got a good plan!Perry: Avoid war by using tough sanctions against Iran Central Bank -. How about we stop all wars by ending OUR Central Bank? #EndTheFedCain to Paul: "Oh yeah,I meant that" #RonPaulWasRightNewt advocates hurting the Iranian people with sanctions. Sanctions ALWAYS hurt the people and empower the regime.A Question from Paul Wolfowitz - architect of the Iraq War. And he still gets to be called an "expert"?Too many Wolf's in the kitchen if ya aks me.Wolfowitz just called George Bush a "Conservative Republican". Oh, Wolfie, you slay me.Paul on Aid: "You take money from poor people in this country, and give it to rich people in poor countries."Ron Paul : "They're not cutting anything out of anything"Mittens: Israel is "our friend". What percentage of Americans have never even visited this "friend"?I may not agree with Jon Huntsman on much, but at least he doesn't seem bloodthirsty about killiing Muslims. Points for that.Newt: We need public/private partnerships. You mean like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Someone's trolling for work post-campaign.Is it bad that every time I hear "Let me bring in Governmor Perry" I get super excited that we might see another "Perry Moment"?@RonPaul just railed against government subsidies and the drug war in one seamless rant. #NailedItCan Hermain Cain say anything without using numbers?Did Republicans just applaud Ron Paul's call for an end to the War on Drugs? Talk about change...Romney wants to "staple" a green card onto any immgirant with a degree? I'm tellyin ya those degrees aren't all they're cracked up to be...Huntsman says some sane stuff about foreign policy. Of course, he's no @RonPaul@RonPaul is dominating the field for split-screen appearancesPerry thinks a "No Fly Zone" is a "soft" policy. Tell that to Gadhaffi.Romney: The FBI has thwarted many attacks (that they setup and planned)Cain: The real terrorists are hackers !And that's all for the Lions of Liberty! You may now make your safe passage back to the Matrix! Good night...and good luck.


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