Why I Joined the Ron Paul Revolution

I am not a particularly loud person. I like to kind of skate by unnoticed, never calling much attention to myself. I rarely post Facebook updates like some other friends and do not have a twitter account. Over the last few months, however, I have become somewhat of a Facebook floozy. This is not because I have suddenly become a neo-narcissist that wants you to know every time I do something remotely cool, or how hard my job is, or my opinion on every fleeting news headline. It’s because there’s a cause out there that’s captured my cynical heart. It’s not a cause that gets enough press, or is posh to post on your Facebook page, it’s the cause of liberty to which a man named Ron Paul has given his life.Ron Paul and his passionate supporters are seen as a cult of fringe idealists and when I mention his name I am no doubt seen in the same light. It’s difficult to spread the word about his message when people dismiss it before they even hear it. That’s why I find it important to explain as often as I can why this is THE man for our time. I am not especially political as I find the practice particularly disgusting. South Park summed up my views on Presidential elections in their classic “Douche vs Turd Sandwich” episode in 2004 when the choices in real life were….get ready for it…..George W. Bush and John Kerry! It was the first Presidential election in which I actually took an interest and wanted to vote. I voted for Kerry, an unexciting, vanilla Dem type that seemed to vaguely represent the direction I thought things should go. This was at a time when I figured myself liberal because I had not yet understood more practical matters, but mostly because I was anti-war, and very passionate about civil liberties, something both my American and Immigrant families always taught me to love about the country. The awful Republication administration that was ravaging our civil liberties at the time was what I knew as the alternative. I thought the guys who sported blue actually were against these things, you know the good guys. As my historical knowledge matured, the scam of these two parties representing anything but big special interest that weren’t mine became glaringly evident. They were all playing the same game; a plundering of the people through smoke screen issues. Then came my second Presidential election; the historic ’08 with Hope and Change vs. Maverick. This was another lukewarm affair that didn’t seem to really mean much to me. McCain was awful, Obama a bit less. The Douche and the Turd all over again.I hadn’t paid quite as much attention to the Republican primaries that year, because again I was under the fading illusion that I was a liberal. A guy named Ron Paul seemed interesting, but a little nuts. I was sure I could NEVER vote red so it didn’t seem to matter too much anyway. Later that year fortune would find me on a business trip to the greater Los Angeles area where I would meet up with some old college friends living there (fellow Lions of Lib contributors by the way). The topic at a nice seedy bar rapidly evolved into Ron Paul. They asked me a bunch of questions and concluded that I too was pretty much a Ron Paul guy despite my misplaced Dem label. After further study into his message, philosophies, character, economic views and thorough knowledge of world affairs, I realized there was a way to not have to choose the “lesser of two evils.” In fact, I began to adopt the belief that even participating in this illusion of choice was more absurd if it was only 2 Republicrats to choose from. Ron Paul was not crazy. He was not fringe. He was speaking a message of common sense that only sounded insane in a loony bin of broken politics and statist solutions. I guess during this time I was what a recent Huffington Post article called a “Blue Republican.” I hope that I can reach some of those people as well this election season and wake them up to Dr. Paul’s message because once rational people actually listen to him; they are instant followers, even if they don’t like to admit it.More directly to the point of why I, and many more in growing numbers, so passionately believe this is the time for Ron Paul despite his ignored campaign, his age, and his “unelectable” liberty based philosophy. He is a….Man of Principle: There is no match for this guy among a pool of politicians in a viable position for becoming the next President of the USA as far as character goes. He does not and will not pander. He powered through boos at a GOP Debate this season refusing to back down from his assertion that our foreign policy creates terrorist threats on the day after the 10th anniversary of 9/11. His views and philosophies have stayed consistent with the reason he entered politics three decades ago; sound money, fiscal responsibility, and liberty. He is devoted to his wife, family, community and cause. He has demonstrated great bravery and charity in his days as a an Air force flight surgeon and private obstetrician giving free and discounted medical services to those in need without a government mandate to do so. Special interests and popularity do not control him. He seems to be above the pitfalls of political thievery. Despite your problems with him, he is downright inspirational in this regard.Man of Intellect: Ron Paul has brought back the intellectual conversation of free market philosophies and general libertarian ideas. The mainstream conservatives, at least in my recent memory, have failed at adequately understanding or explaining what it is they supposedly represent. They were as big if not bigger spenders and interventionists than their liberal counterparts. Small government, lower taxes, etc sounded like neo-con political jingles. Ron Paul brought back the substance of these ideas. Ron Paul’s movement helped unite people who understood the ridiculousness of some prevailing political “divisions” and Keynesian policies. He allowed some liberals to understand controversial topics like why he is against Roe v Wade as a Federal mandate for all states while allowing some conservatives to see the folly of military expansionism. He is so well versed in various world matters and their past causal events, as demonstrated in the faces of Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, and Rudy Giuliani on separate debate occasions, knowing typically more history and technicalities than his colleagues on most. He has single handedly aroused the average population’s understanding and interest in the monetary system consequently bringing back the century buried central bank debate.Man of Practicality: Ron Paul is practical and does not want to cause huge destruction trying to fully implement a libertarian ideal society within a presidential term. He wants to use these philosophies to his best ability to disabuse us of the onerous government that has been creeping up to strangle the nation’s economy and freedom. There are no solutions being offered by anyone. Cutting a trillion in spending increases (yes increases) over ten years is not a solution. Saying, “We need the economy to reboot” is not a solution. Saying, “Congress needs to pass my jobs bill” is also, you guessed it, not a solution. Ron has offered a solution to cut that much in actual spending, not increased spending, within a year. Some think his proposal to cut some departments is going too far (draconian is the preferred mainstream term), but how vital are these departments? Nobody wants to face the facts that something has to go. I know, it’s hard, someone loses, but it HAS to happen. You can’t cut spending by simply talking about it while increasing it year over year. I’d like to see any other candidate bold enough to place a plan in front of our faces within the same parameters. No doubt, their list would upset some people as well. No one likes to lose funding, but that’s whathappens when there are no funds. Ron Paul understands this. Many younger Americans do too. The failed promises of the nanny state are something they can understand better than older, more state satisfied generations. The government promises hadn’t yet turned sour for some of the other gens just yet, but the piper is due his pay.Man of Peace: Ron Paul wants to end our wars. End them. No semantics. No 5,000 troops for the next 50-100 years in Europe or Afghanistan. No drone bombings quietly throughout the world aimed at NATOs dictator of the month. Iraq and Afghanistan would be over, as in REALLY over, all troops would be home. We would not be spending decades in foreign lands. We would not have such hostile enemies from our empirical presence in their homelands. He is a foe to the military industrial complex and will starve its parasitic attachment to our defense budget. He will make us safer through an adequate military defending our nation from threats, not preemptively invading unrelated lands.Man of Liberty: Most have to agree with his stances on liberties. He was a champion against the unjust wars of the Bush administration, the Patriot Act, all Federal infringements on state laws, and uncountable other matters of personal liberty. He believes the individual and his/her rights are the utmost important moral fiber of society. This guides his principles and makes him almost impossible to argue against issue for issue.I hope some of you may find parts of this akin to your beliefs and at least try to have an open mind toward supporting him this upcoming election. I know it sounds like hyperbole, but I believe he is like no other candidate we may ever see. To have a man of his character, vision, boldness, and special interest-free following this close to the Presidency is truly an exciting chapter in history. Regardless of the outcome of the primaries and elections, Ron Paul, with some help from events of the time he rather accurately predicted, has helped usher in an intellectual tide change in political and economic thinking. The academically supported statist solutions of the last 100 years are being challenged by descending intellects. So Facebook friends, I apologize for my annoying Ron Paul updates, but there are many, MANY more to come.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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