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Senate Goes Ahead with Indefinite Military Detention...But Does It Matter?

We pride ourselves on our original content here at Lions of Liberty. But sometimes someone does so great a job breaking down an issue that it's better just to pass the baton. Glenn Greenwald of has done an excellent analysis of S. 1867 and exactly what it means in expanding the definition of the "War on Terror" as well as the military's power to detain "suspected" terrorists, up to and including U.S. Citizens.The biggest point that Greenwald makes in all of this, is that it essentially is nothing new, as:

"the Bush and Obama administrations have already successfully claimed most of the powers in the bill, and courts have largely acquiesced. To be sure, there are dangers to having Congress formally codify these powers. But a powerful sign of how degraded our political culture has become is that this bill — which in any other time would be shockingly extremist — actually fits right in with who we are as a nation and what our political institutions are already doing. To be perfectly honest, I just couldn’t get myself worked up over a bill that, with some exceptions, does little more than formally recognize and codify what our Government is already doing."

And Greenwald speaks the truth. As it is, we are already to the point where the President has a secret kill list and has unilaterally assassinated American citizens abroad. Now that America is being declared part of the battlefield and drones are starting to patrol our very own skies, how long until we see drone strikes on American citizens here in America?Let us not forget, everything Hitler did in Germany was perfectly legal.Please check out the video below which does a great job of further explaining some of the implications of S.1867In a positive note Senator Rand Paul, who has been a champion in defending the Constitutional rights of Americans on the detainee issue, has single handedly stopped an amendment that would have allowed for the indefinite detention of American citizens even after they had been tried and found not guilty!Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!