Ron Paul Blasts Trump, Won't Participate In His Circus Debate

Ron Paul (per usual) is the voice of reason, speaking out against the ridiculous Donald Trump moderated debate that is set for Dec 27th. Paul rightly slams Trump's involvement as "beneath the Presidency" and has refused to take part in what can't hope but be anything but a complete farce.From the standpoint of this blog, there really can't be any more damning statement made about the current state of the Republican Party than it's infatuation with Donald Trump. A man who has so thoroughly been branded as the butt of a joke that he has had to adopt the caricature of himself that so many comedians have portrayed as his actual personality, simply to stay relevant. Any time spent listening to the man can't help but imbue the listener with a sense that he's utterly devoid of intelligence - a product of fortunate upbringing, and luck, rather than substance or business acumen. Yet the Republican Party flocked to him when he mentioned his potential run (which was obvious to anyone with half a brain that it was a PR stunt and Trump has far too many financial and personal demons to ever think of running, before we even get into his thoughts on government). Ron Paul stands alone as a man of principle, intelligence and as an actual catalyst for necessary change, yet he can't muster over 10% of the national vote. It's just ridiculous.Some of Paul's thoughts on Trump, from his statement:
“The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee rejects the selection of Donald Trump as moderator for the Republican presidential debate to be held on December 27th in Iowa.“The selection of a reality television personality to host a presidential debate that voters nationwide will be watching is beneath the office of the Presidency and flies in the face of that office’s history and dignity.  Mr. Trump’s participation as moderator will distract from questions and answers concerning important issues such as the national economy, crushing federal government debt, the role of the federal government, foreign policy, and the like.  To be sure, Mr. Trump’s participation will contribute to an unwanted circus-like atmosphere.“Therefore our candidate Ron Paul, the champion of the Constitution, has advised he will not attend.”

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