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Live Tweets From NH ABC Debate - Full Recap!

Yes, fellow lovers of liberty, now that the first votes have been cast tonight there is yet another GOP Debate, this one airing as a precursor to the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday.  As this is a nationally-aired debate, I see this one getting dirty.  As Ron Paul has proven to be a top tier candidate by translating his support into actual votes in Iowa putting him in a dead heat with Romney and Santorum in the delegate count, I fully expect the all the politcal demons from Punditry Hell to be unleashed upon the freedom-fighting Doctor.  Expect a healthy dosage of Iran fear-mongering and racist newsletter nonsense.  And of course, attempts will be made to prop up new Non-Romney, Non-Paul Surger of the Month, the Frothy one himself Rick Santorum. And WE here at Lions of Liberty will be tweeting it all live!!!

Follow us on twitter @LionsofLiberty_ (don't forget that underscore), or if you're not in the Twitterverse just refresh this page every 10 minutes or so during the debate! How convenient!Live stream the debate here: then, you can check out the last Twitter recap here!Let the Tweets begin!!!"The game has changed...everything is different now". Oh is it now?Had a bad stream...came into Romney talking about roosters taking credit for the sun rising? Good start.Santorum thinks Iran is "the most pressing issue affecting us today". Not the massive debt and unfunded obligations, The Fed, wars....


Santorum can inspire alright. Have you SEEN his wrestling ad?{Editor's note: Here ya go!}Well clearly this will be the Romney v Santorum Show. Sorry I was born in the '80's. What's this "New York Times" they keep referring to?Romney: "Nuttin' but Net-NetHuntsman: Nuttin' but record.Dr. Paul gets tossed a softball to tell us ho corrupt he is...this should be fun.Paul's mic goes out. What a shocker. Santorum claims it "caught him not telling the truth".Santorum isn't a Libertarian. Santorum believes in a "little government". Is he just planning on dropping tiny little bombs on Iran? Paul points out that he voted AGAINST all the spending Santo is talking about and calls him a "big government conservative".Santo now touting his "spend-o-meter".Paul is just tearing into Santorum. Note to Ricky: A "surplus" is still the people's money. Doesn't mean you have to spend it.National Security Time! How will they scare us about the Iranians and try to make Paul look like a sissy!Even Stepho was shocked that Perry would try to claim Paul as an "insider".Sorry I just woke up from a nap? Is Huntsman still talking?It's too funny watching everyone freak out about Obama "cutting the military". These guys don't even know what a cut is.Paul gets a chance to skewer Gingrich now on being a "chickenhawk". You can tell he can't stand Gingrich.Gingrich says Paul has a "history of inaccurate statements". And THAT is the most inacccurate statement of the week! Thanks for playin, NewtPaul: "How many times have you seen a white, rich person get the electric chair?"

Is it me or do they keep tossing softballs to Ron Paul like it's the home run derby?Paul made Gingrich look like even more of a two faced hypocrite, pointing out he had a wife and 2 kids when he was drafted and didnt' defer.Is it me or is this debate REALLY quiet? Must be because Bachman stayed home.Romney "can't imagine a state would try and ban contraception". I guarantee Ricky can and IS RIGHT NOW. Romney defers to Paul as "our constitutional expert". Romney isn't sure so he's getting help from Steph-o. Bad Marc! Bad Marc! Don't let Romney charm you! Stay on message!I know I've tweeted too many GOP debates when I start tweeting to myself.Wait, is that multiple-time philanderer Newt Gingrich preaching to us about the "sanctity of  marriage"? Just checking.Even when Huntsman says something reasonable I'm just so damn bored I have to imagine him saying something crazy.Have we really spent the last 20 minutes talking about contraception and marriage? Nothing about The Fed? Bailouts? Multiple illegal wars???This should be renamed FringeFest. #nhDebateWHY SHOULD WE CARE WHAT THE PRESIDENT THINKS ABOUT MARRIAGE?? WHY IS GOVERNMENT EVEN INVOLVED???Romney: 3,000 years of human history shouldn't be discarded? Almost thought he was talking about the gold standard for a second.Paul to Steph: Please don't interrupt me. Pure class.Paul: We haven't heard one second of talk about cutting any spending. Nope, gotta address marriage and contraception.Paul: I'm doing well, and catching up to Mitt every day.  Be afraid, Mittens, be afraid.Huntsman would "begin to draw down troops within a year". I'll take Paul's "bring 'em home on Day 1", thanks.Hey Newt, maybe Iran is practicing war games since guys like you are threatening to blow the place up? Just maybe? It's fun trying to watch these non-Ron Pauls pretend they have foreign policy differences with Obama. #nhDebateSantorum says we need to "confront the Muslim threat' by 'being honest with the American people". Thanks for summing up why we support Paul.Perry would send troops back into Iraq RIGHT NOW!!!! Hey, remember when this guy was the "frontrunner"?Perry: Iran moves at "ludicrous speed"It's that time of the debate to completely misquote Ron Paul and mischaracterize his positions!I wish I was strong enough to stop watching these debates. They are a waste of air time...but Paul just keeps me comin' back. #nhDebateLet's talk about some real issues some time, eh? #NDAA #SOPA #ENDTHEFEDHave you ever met a Pennsylvanian that doesn't loathe Santorum? If anyone can find one with proof, a special Lions of Liberty No-Prize 4 u.Even though this debate is ridiculous, Paul is getting the perfect setups for touting his message. Important 2 learn Austrian Economics!I wonder how many countries would be "hostile to America" if we didn't, you know, have our troops in them?BREAKING: Huntsman's supporter revealed! He goes by "Jamie"Santorum: In American we don't put people into classes. Well, except for 'gays', 'blacks' and "muslims"Romney: i know how the economy works because "I lived in it". With a big fat silver spoon in my mouth, but still...Romney: China is burning our Blu-Rays, man!Oh this is the part where everyone calls China a "currency manipulator" while ignoring the Federal Reserve.Huntsman now has a 2nd vote: The Chinese guy that lives in New Hampshire.Oh, now for the MEATY questions! "What else would you be doing on a Saturday night?" FINALLY! The world demands to know!Wait....that was REALLY the last question? The slam dunk? The one to really drive things home? I give up. Whew.Well my brain is completely drained and I've given up the Monsters so this is getting even more difficult every time.  This was one of the most ridiculous debates in a way; half the time it focused on social issues and non-issues like "racist newsletters".  However, the attempts to "gotcha" Ron Paul actually gave him perfect segues into what I feel were some of his best answers. He completely exposed Santorum as a big spending Republican, Gingrish as a chickenhawk, and everyone else as just generally being full of it.  Is it just me, or is Paul getting a little more assertive?I'm not sure what the voters from New Hampshire will take from this. But if the state motto of "Live Free or Die" is to ever be taken seriously again, they'd have no choice but to vote for Ron Paul.UPDATE!: Below is the abridged version of the debate, so you can enjoy it free RINO-free. 


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