SOPA Doped

Lions of Liberty is standing in unison with many other online content hubs to protest SOPA or the "Stop Online Piracy Act," and PIPA "Protect IP Act."A detailed description of these First Amendment-infringing acts can be found at Wikipedia, which is also protesting with a blackout of content for 24 hours, save for the information on SOPA and PIPA.In brief, these two acts were written to protect US-generated intellectual property in all forms (Film, TV, Music, Writing, etc). However due to broad and far-reaching language in the acts, SOPA and PIPA will have a vast and dire impact on the whole of the internet. Why? We'll tell you.SOPA allows the government to shut down IPs that they consider to be in violation of intellectual copyright infringement. This can be for hosting content (eg youtube clips) or for simply LINKING to a website that hosts content that has been dubbed illegal. To use our own site as an example - we sometimes link to articles from other news outlets, or to various blogs. If one of those OTHER sites is hosting content that is deemed illegal, Lions of Liberty can also be blacklisted and shut down, with the government contacting our service provider and pulling the plug. Or, alternatively, hosting content taken from another site, like referencing the "NY Times" in one of our posts and lifting a snippet of an article to use as a quote could be deemed intellectual property theft and thus warrant our shut down. The Huffington Post, Drudge Report, Deadspin, etc - all would be crippled and virtually cease to exist, as would any content hub. You can also say goodbye to Youtube, Vimeo, Flickr, Twitter, or anywhere else that fosters sharing content.These bills are highly dangerous and will completely destroy one of the few true homes for liberty left - the web.
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