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87,332nd GOP Debate FULL TWEETCAP

Words cannot describe the the feeling of hopelessness that has overtook my body as I realized there are not one, but two more effin' GOP Debates this week, beginning tonight with the NBC Debate in Tampa.We're likely to see Paul and probably even Santorum mostly ignored and marginalized as the media builds it's storyline of Romney v. Gingrich and that Paul, despite still being in a strong position with delegates and fundraising in a divided field, is irrelevant and should drop out. In the meantime, I will continue my slow march towards an early death by attempting, once again, to tweet through this entire event, all the while reminding myself that unlike these GOP Debates, suicide is painless.Follow us on @LionsofLiberty_ (don't forget that underscore!!) or refresh this page every 15 minutes or so during the debate!Just got the debate feed...what did I miss? Nothing? Awesome."Romney, What you think of Newt?" "Newt, what you think of Romney" Wash, rinse, repeat.How many more times will the phrase "Super Pac" be mentioned than "Ron Paul"? My guess. 6:1 ratio.The blackout is on. Nobody exists outside of Mitt and Newt. Can't we at least bring @BuddyRoemer into these things?Since when did the "historian" and "sellout hypocrite politician" become interchangeable? It's a sad state when I'm actually excited to hear from Santorum just to mix things up.B-Will: "Ron Paul, It's cute that you wanna end wars and the devaluation of our currency and all, but seriously whatcha still doin here?"Am I conspiracy theorist because I suspect foul play in my internet going out during Ron Paul's answer?Glad Ron Paul explained to the media how delegates work and that he likely is the real winner in Iowa.Ron Paul doesn't see himself in the White House because he's not a maniacal psychopath looking for power.Well I keep losing my debate feed. And I'm not really that miffed about it.R we really going to spend this whole debate arguing the definitions of "consultant" , "historian", "lobbyist". Bear/Hunter/Ninja gone bad.Ooh this is the fun part where Newt pretends to be Republican while defending GSE's.I'll say this Newt shines in debates, you can tell he just loves gloating and lying up there. Even easier for him when they exclude Paul.Anybody else not getting the debate feed anymore? Maybe it's a blessing from above.Paul: The government owes them a free market and a sound monetary system. #DamnRightNow it's time for a brieft Santorum/Paul short film so we can go back to The Mitt and Newt Show! Stay tuned!Paul is a boss. Despite being ignored and despite it not being a "sexy" issue, he uses his scant time to rail against the Fed. #EndTheFedNewt is right about Dodd-Frank. Too bad he's only saying it to try to steal Paul support. Don't hold your breath, Newtie.OH NO! Not the return of ...dunh dunh DUNH!!!! The 3  AM PHONE CALL!Of course Mitt has to pander to the Deathocons and praise Death before even pretending to say something of substance.SHOCK! Newt is for "aggressively overthrowing the regime" in Cuba. Never met a war he didn't support, nor one he'd actually fight in.Paul: "I've got a little bit of work to do with him on foreign policy". I'll say that. #SayNoToNewtPaul is right to point out the absurdity of the question.  If the oppressive regime falls only more motivation for them to stay in Cuba.Is Santorum SERIOUSLY trying to tie Cuba to Al Qaeda right now? No, fucking seriously?!?!?For a "historian" Newt has no effin' clue about the history of American's foreign wars.Mitt: We win the war in Afghanistan by "holding off the Taliban" and turning military over to those of "Afghan decent". MMmmmkkkaaayy.Paul points out that a blockade is an Act of War.  Continues to educate these fools up to the last second of time he can muster. True Hero.The "Iran Round" - how fun! (aka War Propaganda Hour)Santo is ignorant. Iran and Al Qaeda are ENEMIES and the US FUNDS Iranian Al Qaeda groups!OH good question calling out the candidates for their hypocrisy in courting hispanics with Spanish ad while calling for 1 language.The last 2 times Paul spoke he's had to call on himself.  Kudos for being more aggressive to get in.  They can't ignore u if u don't let emSelf deportation!!!!! Did that one do well in focus group Mitt??Hey let's talk about how Newt loves big government subsidies! Please do.Instead of taking a real position on subsidies Gingrich tells a tale of beet sugar vs. cane sugar. What a boring dodge.Love how they act like Paul's priority is to go slashing Everglades funding.  He wants to END THE WARS AND BRING THE TROOPS HOME DUMMIESTerry Schiavo! Did we just step into the Political Hot Tub Time Machine??Did I miss something or is Mitt Romney campaigning for Space Camp?HEY GUYS! How about we let the market figure out sugar,space, and all that fun stuff while we END THE WARS AND THE FED!When Gingrich drops out I hope he volunteers to be the first man to go to the moon permanently.I've officially zoned out. All I hear is Space Coast Kill Illegals Bomb IranNewt: I'm the best debater because I can beat Obama in a debate. As long as I"m Douglas and he's Lincoln.GOD I HATE WHEN I AGREE WITH SANTORUM ON SOMETHINGSantorum: I can stand.Paul: How can you be conservative when you'll cut food stamps but not wars overseas??Is Romney really up there in the GOP Primary telling everyone how great his gov't run health care plan is?Newt gives Paul the shout out. I don't even know why he bothers, it can only help Paul. You AREN'T winning over any Paul supporters, Newt.Eagerly awaiting Mitt's new book: 7 Things That Get An Economy Going AgainIs it me or did they exclude Ron Paul from not one but TWO closing questions???I'm way too annoyed with this bullshit to keep blogging right now.  It will only endanger myself, my relationships with others and possibly the Internet itself.  Godspeed, and stay tuned to Lions of Liberty for more GRAND SPANKIN' analyis tomorrow!UPDATE: Full Ron Paul Highlights Below.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!