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BREAKING: Sen. Rand Paul Detained by the TSA

This just in: Senator Rand Paul, who in his short time in the Senate has valiantly fought against various government tyrannies such as the Patriot Act, Section 1031 of the NDAA, as well as the abuses of the TSA, has been detained by one of the very agencies he has sought to curtail.   Politico has confirmed that Senator Paul was detained by the TSA in Nashville after refusing a full-body patdown.  This was after an "anamoly" was found on the Senator's body scan.  Eventually Senator Paul was able to book another flight and go through security once again without incident.

This certainly highlights the absurdity of the TSA's "screening" process.  Logic is completely tossed out the window when a sitting United States Senator is being held as a "security risk".   Now I certainly don't think that a Senator should be subject to special treatment in security procedures, but that's the whole point.  Nobody should be treated like a criminal for the mere act of purchasing an airline ticket. Nobody should have to submit  to a full-body scanner that may pose cancer risks or be subject to an invasive "pat-down" simply for excercising their right to travel freely in their own country.  Kudos to Senator Paul for not "pulling rank" and trying to use his Senatorial power to get around the system, but for simply standing up for his 4th Amendment rights.  Of course, considering Paul's statements in Congress against the TSA, one has to wonder if there was any political motivation to his "detention", as brief as it may have been.Like Fox News likes to tout , "We Report, You Decide".  See the video below for Rand Paul's grilling of TSA head John Pistole on the Senate floor.What do you think? Are the TSA procedures too invasive? More on this story as it develops, in the meantime please feel free to leave comments with your thoughts on this matter.UPDATE: The White House has issued a statement siding with the TSA, while the Paul's father and Presidential candidate Ron Paul issued a statement denouning the growing Police State in this country."The police state in this country is growing out of control," the elder Paul said in a statement released by his presidential campaign.Damn right it is. Hopefulluy this incident will draw even greater scrutiny upon the TSA and i'ts practices.UPDATE #2: Rush Limbaugh is a Piece of $#!T!!!!!Rush today: "Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has been detained by the TSA. If this had been Ron Paul, you couldn't really blame the TSA. You have to admit Ron Paul almost sounds like an Islamic terrorist sometimes."UPDATE #3: Rand Paul on CNN discussing the incident with TSA.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!