Lions of Liberty

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Best Campaign Speech Ever?

Maybe, just maybe. But either way, Ron Paul is a little fired up about liberty, so it's hard for us not to be too. Despite getting only 7% of the Diebold-counted vote in a state he didn't campaign in, didn't spend a single dollar on advertising in, and had zero campaign staff in, Paul is as energetic as ever. That's because he knows that this race is not only about spreading the message of liberty, but also about racking up delegates. This explains Paul's strategy of not spending money in a very expensive winner-take-all state like Florida, while focusing on caucus states like Nevada, Maine and Colorado where organization and enthusiasm are the biggest keys to winning delegates.  And while it can be argued that the Romney campaign may have better organization simply due to the massive amount of money he receives from Wall Street, Paul's campaign is at the very least a close second and the enthusiasm of his supporters is arguably the highest of any candidate. After all, it's pretty close to a fact that you'd never hear of a former Ron Paul supporter.The ideas of Liberty are no doubt spreading like wildfire, and seeing the enthusiasm of this man who has been fighting this battle for over 40 years should inspire young and old lovers of liberty alike.  Make no mistake about it: the struggle against fascism, socialism, corporatism and all of the other evil "isms" in the world, much like the "War on Terror", will never be "won". It is a constant battle of educating oneself and educating others, and in that arena the future has never looked brighter.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!