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Beware of Tweeting Brits!

Have no fear, the Department of Homeland Security is sifting through thousands of international tweets in the name of National Security.  It became apparent a few days ago that DHS has decided to strategically alter their screening procedures.  Instead of investigating and probing actual threats to our National security, DHS has intensified their focus on stopping foreigners who are hell bent on coming to the USA with the outrageous goal of.....partying and having a good time.  The event that tipped us off to this strategic change occurred last week at the Los Angeles International Airport.  The UK's Mail Online reports:

Leigh Van Bryan, 26, was handcuffed and kept under armed guard in a cell with Mexican drug dealers for 12 hours after landing in Los Angeles with pal Emily Bunting.  The Department of Homeland Security flagged him as a potential threat when he posted an excited tweet to his pals about his forthcoming trip to Hollywood which read: 'Free this week, for quick gossip/prep before I go and destroy America?'

It has become abundantly obvious that the Department of Homeland Security has not mandated their employees to complete a beginner course in British linguistics. The casual observer to this embarrassing situation might assume that, if DHS is going to monitor hundreds of thousands of tweets, then they might take the time to place an employee familiar with the lingo in question on the case. The definition that the US national security team assigned to the word destroy, to put an end to the existence of something by attacking, can also mean something entirely different in Brit lingo, to have a good time. In fact, in English lingo, here in the good ole USA, destroy can also mean to become inebriated or extremely intoxicated. Example, "Last night I went on a bar crawl with a few friends and we all got destroyed." I guess if the Department of Homeland Security were to read a similar tweet they would assume that a group of friend were attacked during a bar crawl. What a country we live in!But wait, the story gets even more ridiculous.  More from the UK's Mail Online:

Leigh was also quizzed about another tweet which quoted hit US comedy Family Guy which read: '3 weeks today, we're totally in LA p****** people off on Hollywood Blvd and diggin' Marilyn Monroe up! 

Federal agents even searched his suitcase looking for spades and shovels, claiming Emily was planning to act as Leigh's 'look out' while he raided Marilyn's tomb.

Bar manager Leigh, from Coventry, and Emily, 24, from Birmingham, were then quizzed for five hours at LAX before they were handcuffed and put into a van with illegal immigrants and locked up overnight.

This was a shockingly, amateurish mistake made by the DHS.  The tweet about digging up Marilyn Monroe was a reference to the popular show 'Family Guy.'  This is an extremely funny show if you have never seen it.  (I tried to find the clip on YouTube, but had no luck.  Feel free to leave a link in the comments and I'll be glad to add it to this blog.)  I'm sure those responsible for this error must have felt terrible after detaining and interrogating these poor Brits for 12 hours.   What's that?  They sent them back to the UK without even an apology.  Only telling the young man that, ‘You’ve really f***** up with that tweet, boy.’ 

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