Lions of Liberty

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"HOT DOGS! GETCHA HOT DOGS! (Hey, that dude looks like a terrorist!)"

While I planned to take most of my morning prepping for a 2 hour block of live internet radio today, this little nugget of news was just too ridiculous to pass up.  In another instance of increasingly more absurd security theater, the TSA is going to be making their presence felt (no pun intended) at the Super Bowl.  If it wasn't enough that will they be running security and subjecting fans to full-body patdowns along with the presence of the insidiously named "VIPR" squads, the TSA will also be training concessions workers to be part of the "front line" against potential terrorists at the event.  As Prison Planet details:

“TSA said over 8,000 stadium vendors, parking lot attendants, shuttle bus drivers, and other transportation professionals received the agency’s First Observer training for detecting and assessing indicators and planning tactics of potential terrorist activities,” reports Government Security News.

This is all despite the admission that there are "no credible or specific threats' related to terrorism at the Super Bowl.  How they found the time to do all this training in between groping 6 year old girls, strip searching old ladies and stealing ipads I'll never know.  In the meantime, Super Bowl attendees can watch the Giants and Pats battle it out with peace of mind, all the while knowing that this dude is watching out for them.

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