Joe Paterno, Ron Paul and Media Bias


Joe Paterno and Ron Paul are both legends who gained influence by challenging the status quo.  Paterno challenged his student athletes to be successful on the football field, in the classroom, and most importantly in life.  Ron Paul has challenged the special interests in Washington, and has proven that it's possible to be a member of congress for 20 years and never vote to raise taxes, never vote for an unbalanced budgeted, and never vote against the constitution.  Both are humble, small town men who have positively impacted this world and both have been treated unfairly by traditional media over the course of the last few months.Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to meet Coach Paterno before he passed and have yet to meet Dr. Ron Paul. In spite of this, outside of my family and lovely fiancee, these two men have had the most profound impact on my life. Through their actions they have inspired millions.  Joe Paterno's passing on January 22 left a chasm in the Penn State community and across the collegiate landscape. The example that Joe set by the way he lived and coached, Success with Honor, has provided a template for future generations to embrace. Dr. Ron Paul has gained international notoriety by being the lone consistent voice for fiscal restraint and personal liberty in an otherwise corrupt political system. These men have not led perfect lives (who among us has) and the main purpose of this post is not to defend Joe Paterno or Ron Paul against a singular event or lapse in judgment. Everyone makes mistakes.  JoePa's and Dr. Paul's triumphs and contributions far outweigh their missteps.  Long after they are gone from this earth their good works will continue to positively impact humanity.Joe Paterno has been lambasted by the media because; in the media's view he did not do enough to stop a monster from preying on children.  Paterno was notified by a graduate assistant who claimed to have witnessed retired Penn State assistant coach, Jerry Sandusky, fondling and acting inappropriately in a shower with a boy of about 10 years of age.  Paterno notified the Athletic Director and Finance Director who oversaw the University Police.  Joe Paterno, not having witnessed the crime and Sandusky no longer a part of his staff, did the most he could by notifying his superiors of the incident.  The media narrative that took shape accused Paterno of not acting morally and depicted him as a villain in an incident where he had no such role.  The assumption that Joe Paterno did not act morally implies that it is immoral to expect your superiors to handle their jobs in a capable manner.  Throughout Joe Paterno's 61 years at Penn State, and right up until his passing, he set an example that positively influenced the work ethic of hundreds of thousands and inspired that same number to expect to achieve greatness in their lives. One of JoePa's renowned quotes states, "Believe deep down in your heart that you are destined to do great things." Joe Paterno lived his life by those words and hoped all Penn Staters, not just his football players, would work to make a positive impact in this world.  Over the course of his tenure at Penn State he donated millions back into the University and as a sign of gratitude a campus library bears his name.  This is fitting, because Paterno cared more about education and impacting the lives of young people, than he did about wins on the football field.  Joe and his wife Sue were active community leaders and contributed to the Special Olympics and many other worthwhile causes.  Weeks after being terminated he donated $100,000 to the school that he loved.  Joe Paterno was Penn State, and as a Penn State alumnus I feel obligated to assist in restoring and enhancing his legacy.Ron Paul has been attacked for "racist newsletters" published under his name while he was practicing medicine between stints in congress.  The barrage of attacks and negative articles that were written in opposition to him were only equaled by the amount of negative diatribe being levied against Paterno during the same time.  Instead of listening to the speeches Dr. Paul has given for the last 30 years, consistently saying the same thing, the media chose to attack politically incorrect newsletters from 20 years ago that he did not author or approve.  The misguided journalism distracted voters from important issues that only Ron Paul was offering solutions.  No other candidates expose a pro US foreign policy that would end the ongoing perpetual wars our nation in waging and only go to war, as the constitution states, when declared by congress.  Ron Paul has served 20 years in the U.S. House of Representatives and prior to that he worked as an obstetrician-gynecologist during the 1960s and 1970s, delivering more than 4,000 babies. Additionally, he has sought the Presidency three times. Throughout his time in congress Dr. Paul has been a consistent voice for liberty and has always stuck to his principles by never voting against the constitution. It is this principled stance that has convinced hundreds of thousands of fervent activists to support the incorruptible Dr. Paul's message.  In a time, when every other candidate is owned by special interests, lobbyists do not even waste time meeting with Dr. Paul.  He has been a consistent voice in opposition to the crony capitalism that defines business in Washington and on Wall Street.  There is not another politician that has the principled voting record to back up his promises to restore the republic and adherence to the constitution.Over the course of the last few months Ron Paul and Joe Paterno have been eviscerated by the main stream media.  Why does the media attempt tear down these men of integrity? Why try to ruin the reputation of humble men who have given abundantly to humanity. Journalists at fledgling newspaper after newspaper tried to undo the life's work of honorable men, but they will not succeed.  The information landscape is changing and Ron Paul and Joe Paterno are prime examples of how dedicated supporters can overcome the traditional media's smear campaigns.For the last few years I have grown more passionate in my support for the message of liberty that Ron Paul delivers. During this time, I witnessed the extreme media bias that Dr. Paul endures. As a result, when Joe Paterno was falsely implicated by the media for supposedly not upholding his moral obligation, it was not surprising to witness the media's lynch mob reaction.  This is a fickle country in which we reside, that the media and a majority of citizens do not allow due process to run its course prior to assessing judgment and assigning blame.  The rush to judgment is bothersome, but even more so is the inconsistency in judgement.  Instead, we allow the media to pick and choose which characters will be judged based on half truths and which will be given the benefit of the doubt, even when a mountain of evidence incriminates them personally.  Barack Obama has escalated the misguided and dangerous wars that George W. Bush was chastised.  President Obama signed into law legislation contained in the NDAA on December 31, 2011 that allows the United States military to indefinitely detain US citizens without charges ever being brought against them.  Yet President Obama gets a free ride.  Chairman Ben Bernankehas taken the Federal Reserve's secretive lending and dangerous currency manipulation to criminal levels, yet he is treated as a hero by traditional media outlets.  I could go on and on.  It is the exemptions of these topics from the national conversation that convinced us to start this blog only months ago.We are living through exciting and revolutionary times.  The sources we use to accumulate or view news is fluid as more options are presented daily.  Challenge yourself to receive news from multiple outlets and form your own opinions.  Five or Ten years the ago the media might have succeeded in destroying Joe Paterno's reputation and marginalizing Ron Paul's message of liberty.  They might have succeeded in sweeping President Obama's neglect for the constitution under the rug.  Thankfully, this is not the case today.  Through blogging, internet radio, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and other forms of new media we have taken control of the information.  The elites who own the media no longer have the ability to control the message.  Regardless of your opinion on Ron Paul, Joe Paterno, Barack Obama, or Ben Bernanke; my plea to you is this, do not allow the media to fog or obstruct the lens in which you view reality.If you have time, I suggest you watch the powerful video below which shows the media bias against Ron Paul.

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"HOT DOGS! GETCHA HOT DOGS! (Hey, that dude looks like a terrorist!)"


A Philosophical and Practical Discussion on an Emotional Subject