Lions of Liberty

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Scenes From A (Intellectual) Revolution

Typically when a politician talks of "winning the hearts and minds of the people", they're referring to our military efforts in some far away land, as if it's guns, tanks and bombs that can change the way people view the world.  And I suppose in many ways they do, just not in the ways we might envision.  But any meaningful, lasting revolution must be a peaceful one driven by ideas, not brute force.  Mahatma Gandhi expelled the British Empire this way.  Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr. changed the way we view race in this country using non-violent methods of protest.  And today, we are seeing an intellectual revolution working within the same political system and media that actively work to destroy it.Last night during the Nevada Caucuses, there was a special caucus held by the money man behind Newt Gingrich.  One would think this might be hostile territory for the "irate, tireless minority" of Ron Paul revolutionaries.  However, as CNN found out when they decided to cover some of the caucus speeches, this event turned out to be fertile ground for the seeds of liberty.  As CNN took us to cover some speeches by "Romney supporters", they got a little something different as speaker after speaker spoke for Ron Paul.  These well-spoken and passionate people did not come to this caucus just to support a man; rather they came to support ideas.  Dr. Paul himself has said that he is an imperfect messsenger - we all are - but the message itself is perfect.Please check out the video below, as CNN got more than they bargained for as they cut to live footage of the "special" caucus.It should surprise noone that CNN cut off a passionate Ron Paul supporter at the end to cut to Newt Gingrich saying absolutley nothing.It should also surprise no one that Ron Paul won this Caucus by a landslide.Hearts and minds are won one at a time. Or, in this case, 183 at a time.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!