9 Reasons NOT to vote for Rick Santorum


Normally, I avoid posting blogs in list form.  The bewildering success of Rick Santorum's candidacy for the GOP Nomination requires an unconventional response.  His recent victories in Missouri, Minnesota, and Colorado, have provided the demand to expose his fraudulent conservative credentials.  Under these circumstances, a clear, concise list is the best vehicle to deliver this message.Other than a year long stint in Atlanta and a little over a year spent living in California, I have lived in Pennsylvania my entire life.  Unfortunately, for a decade of my time living in PA, our great state was saddled with Rick Santorum as our Senator.  There are so many reasons not to vote for Mr. Santorum, that it is difficult to limit to 9.  It's not important to assign rankings to each reason, because that would imply that some are significantly more important than others.  Truthfully, each one of the reasons could stand alone as a reason that disqualifies Rick Santorum as the choice of conservatives.

Santorum was annihilated by a 20% margin during his 2006 Senate race in the Pennsylvania by Bob Casey.Bob Casey is a babbling fool who openly endorses big government solutions to solve the problems in our great nation.  Rick Santorum was unable to draw a clear contrast between his conservative ideals and Casey's big government, top down solutions.  If Rick couldn't beat an establishment Democrat in a PA Senate race how does he plan to make Obama a one term President?Mr. Santorum has not offered up a plan to balance the budget.In fact, the tax plan the he has offered actually INCREASES the deficit.  Much like Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich, Mr. Santorum offers no impactful cuts and most of his proposals do not attack the core of the spending problem in Washington.  If encouraging the government to function more efficiently was a simple task, then government waste would not be an issue.  The truth is, eliminating waste in government is an impossible task.  On Rick's official website he states, "Implement Strong America Now reform through Lean Six Sigma management process as a key engine for cutting government waste and improving efficiency."  That sounds great, but lean six sigma only works in private industry.  The government doesn't operate in the realm of profits vs. loses.  Government budgets never shrink.  The only way we are going to solve the deficit crisis is by returning power to the states and to private companies.  This can be achieved by eliminating useless government agencies, bringing our troops home from around the globe to protect our boarders, and by auditing the Federal Reserve.Mr. Santorum believes he has the right to circumvent Congress and bomb Iran without a formal declaration of war.If this man were President, we would already be at war with Iran, and probably China and Russia.  There is no filter between his Chickenhawk brain and the hateful words that come out of mouth.  Santorum has said in interviews that he would threaten the Iranians with the choice of bombing their nuclear sites (and probably all of the communities around the sites) or opening their nuclear sites to international inspectors.  Dictator Rick would not go to the Congress for a declaration of war.  Like his predecessors he believes the President has the powers of a king.  He also thinks the assassination of Iranian citizens is a "wonderful thing."  The amount of Blowback this country would suffer in response to increased meddling in the affairs of other nations would increase under a Santorum presidency.  As a result, this country would be less safe.Rick Santorum voted to double the size of the department of education when he was in the Senate.Most conservatives agree that the Federal government has no business determining what our public schools can and cannot teach our children.  By supporting No Child Left Behind Mr. Santorum, again, stepped outside of the conservative mainstream and endorsed a liberal idea.  He openly supported a program that increases the federal government's role by dictating what is taught in nationwide.  Rick is comfortable with the Federal Government controlling our education system, as long as children are being indoctrinated with the message of HIS choosing.  Santorum goes against the grain of mainstream conservatives that believe local communities should determine their children's curriculum.Rick does not understand free market economics or the business cycle and believes that inflation is necessary.Santorum believes that it is not only normal, but necessary that the dollar loses value over time.  He believes that inflation is necessary.  Tom Woods has an excellent rebuttal to Rick's misguided comments on inflation.  Do you think the senior citizens in this country approve of Senator Santorum's lack of compassion for the dilemma created by the shrinking purchasing power of their Social Security checks?Rick is as corrupt as the day is long.Santorum's rhetoric on the campaign trail claims that he has strong moral values.  This theme does not match the reality of the way he lives his life.  He labels himself as a "cause guy."  The issues with Rick is not the causes that he supports, but the money that he raised was not used for the intended causes and instead was used to supplement his lavish lifestyle.  Rick has a history of supporting legislation that resulted in his campaign gaining an infusion of cash donations from large corporations that benefited from his legislation.  He is the ultimate Washington insider and is a classic example of everything that is wrong with politics in this country.Rick Santorum's own Nephew does not support his candidacy for President.John Garver, Santorum's nephew, exposed his Uncle's true character in an opinion article published by the Daily Caller prior to the Iowa caucus.

If you want another big-government politician who supports the status quo to run our country, you should vote for my uncle, Rick Santorum. America is based on a strong belief in individual liberty. My uncle’s interventionist policies, both domestic and foreign, stem from his irrational fear of freedom not working.

Santorum endorsed moderate Senator Arlen Specter over conservative alternative Pat Toomey for the Pennsylvania GOP nomination to the U.S. Senate in 2004.Remember Arlen Specter, the former Senator from Pennsylvania and strong proponent for abortion.  In 2012, the moderate Rhino defected from the Republican Party in order to increase his chances of keeping his Senate seat.  Several years earlier, Rick Santorum supported Specter over staunch conservative Pat Toomey in 2004.  Rick's support was important to delivering Specter a narrow victory with barely 50% of the vote.  After Arlen Specter changed parties he served as a key vote in passing Obamacare.  In the 2010 election Toomey, without Rick's support, beat Joe Sestak.  Sestak had easily ousted Specter in the Democratic primary.Rick Santorum supported the Medicare Drug entitlement act while in the Senate.Santorum was an ardent supporter of the expensive Medicare Part D which has added billions of dollars to the deficit.  Mr. Santorum has said he made a mistake supporting Medicare Part D.  We can't afford any more mistakes in Washington.  The mistake I see is with Rick's political philosophy.  He continually proposes the use of government force in order to mold society into his vision.  Mr. Santorum would continue to make mistakes as President because he trusts the government to make decisions as opposed to individuals.In the entire state of Pennsylvania, I have yet to meet one individual who supports Rick Santorum.  Sure, there are polls conducted that show Santorum is currently leading in PA, but I have seen zero evidence of support for him in his home state.  There are no bumper stickers and most Pennsylvania's I know cringe at the mention of his name.  My hope is that GOP voters nationally have mistakenly taken Santorum at his word and have assumed that he is a true conservative.  This assumption is way off the reservation.  I hope this list helped to expose Mr. Santorum as a corrupt, liberal, and unelectable politician.  His voting record and actions have confirmed that he finds himself on the side of big government, more often than not.  We can't afford to be fooled again by another counterfeit conservative GOP Nominee.  If every candidate's voting record and stance on issues is fully vetted, one candidate stands consistently on the side of liberty.  Ron Paul is an incorruptible Congressman from Texas, who has never voted to raise taxes, never voted for an unbalanced budget, does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension plan, and always votes to protect the United State Constitution.  He's the only current candidate that can restore the republic and return sanity to Washington.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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