Lions of Liberty

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Throw a Frisbee? That'll be $1,000, Please.

Sometimes local government tyranny seems to just be mocking itself.  But as cities and counties around the country continue to face expanding deficits in a not-so-great economy to fund their oh-so-necessary bureaucracies, it's no doubt they will continue to reach for more and more ways to try to snatch a buck from you and I.And now the tyranny reaches into my own backyard, quite literally, as Los Angeles County has approved fines up to $1,000 for throwing a frisbee or football on any beach in the county.  No, seriously. Go click on the link. I'm not making this up.  The rule will prohibit “any person to cast, toss, throw, kick or roll” any object other than a beach ball or volleyball “upon or over any beach” between Memorial Day and Labor Day.  I guess volleyballs are safe, but frisbees and footballs are deadly.  I'm too lazy, but someone, preferably Matlock, should look into the ties between LA County officials and the Volleyball Lobby.Maybe they just need more money to help cover up child abuse scandals , or to make sure nosy television hosts don't expose their crappy school lunches.  Or maybe some bureaucrats truly believe that frisbees and footballs pose the gravest danger to the citizens of Los Angeles.  After all, they're the government - they're here to protect us! Maybe they're just afraid this will happen?Maybe it's just a sign of the times. We live in an age where stocking up on food means you might be a terrorist, and throwing glitter at a Presidential candidate might send you straight to the clink.  One might wonder if this is the kind of thing the 30,000 surveillance drones that will soon be patrolling our skies will be looking out for?One thing's for sure - this is not first nor the last time we'll see a ridiculous new government regulation tossed towards the citizenry, all in the name of "keeping us safe".   The bright side: the more ridiculous government gets, the less people will take it seriously.  And when we can finally start mocking our Emperors for not wearing any clothes, it can only be a a step in the right direction.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!