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11 Year Old Smashes The State

Happy Free Market Friday here at Lions of Liberty! If you're looking to read, I'd have to recommend The Snaike's account of the free market miracle in his basement. But if the movin' pictures are more up your alley, well you're on the right post. Check out this 5 minute video of 11 year old Birke Baehr giving a TED Talk about the U.S Food Industry. Seeing this extremely articulate and bright young man speak so eloquently about this topic shatters several myths about how the State should be running our lives. Birke was homeschooled, and it's clear that yes, somehow it is indeed possible to produce intelligent children without State education. To be quite frank, Birke is more well-spoken and knowledgeable on this issue than most adults my age.Birke also tears down the way that our food supply is literally killing us due to the state and it's fascist partnerships with GMO producers, CAFO's, and corn subsidies.In just 5 minutes Birke illustrates well the follies of state intervention in our lives, from education to the food supply. I challenge anyone to find me an 11 year old this informed on the truth about our food supply that learned it from a "public" school.Also getting a great mention is Joe Salatin, who I like to refer to as the "Ron Paul of the Food Industry". Much like Dr. Paul in the political arena, Salatin is often called crazy and chastised by the establishment for his views and practices with his farms. He uses traditional farming methods that were commonplace for hundreds of years, and yet now that the State has effectively altered the way farming is done over the last half a century or so, he is considered "kooky". The film "Food, Inc" also features Salatin and does an excellent job of highlighting the methods by which government meddling in the food industry has led to many of the health problems we see in our society, from cancer to diabetes. I highly recommend the film, though for now Birke's talk will serve as a good primer.Money quote: "It seems to me that we can pay the farmer, or we can pay the hospital".Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!