But MAINE-ly, Ron Paul Got Screwed

Results may never actually be in officially for Maine's caucus, held this past weekend, as the state's GOP Chairman, Charlie Webster, stated that any results that were submitted after the 11th would not count in the vote totals. "Some caucuses decided not to participate in this poll and will caucus after this announcement," Webster told the Associated Press February 11. "Their results will not be factored in. The absent votes will not be factored into this announcement after the fact."That's just lovely for the pro-Romney GOP establishment, as Ron Paul's largest stronghold in the state, Washington County, suspiciously delayed its caucus vote by a week due to a snowstorm that was far below the regular levels of snow that denizens of Maine were used to. The projected snowfall in the county was 3-5 inches, when Maine regularly deals with snowfall of 5" and above. The delay to the vote means that the county's ballots won't count, which means that Ron Paul won't get votes that could tally over 200 in his favor. That 200 could and probably would put him above Romney, who led Paul 39% to 36%.From The New American:
"In south Washington County, Maine, Paul beat Romney by 132 votes in a February 7 Cottage Grove precinct-level caucus preceding the county "super-caucus" that was supposed to be held February 11 but will now be held February 18. Maine's South Washington County Bulletin reported February 8: "In District 57 ... Texas Congressman Ron Paul was the favorite among Republicans. Paul earned 237 votes in the non-binding poll, followed by Santorum’s 209 votes. Mitt Romney had 105 votes in the district, Newt Gingrich 61 votes."  The February 7 south Washington precinct-level caucus results, which were not reflected in the official statewide total, were alone sufficient to offset two-thirds of the difference between Romney and Paul in the official statewide totals."

The Paul camp refuses to concede Maine until Washington County's votes are tallied and included in the total, as they should.This whole situation reeks, and is reminiscent of the Nevada tricks that were pulled (with votes in Paul-friendly Clark County possibly never seeing the light of day), though this seems even more blatant. We're seeing the ugly underbelly of the GOP as they strive handily to keep Paul down, hitting the panic button as he continues to impress and his message of liberty continues to spread, resulting in constantly improving voter turnout. Keep your eyes peeled, as there will doubtless be even more egregious shenanigans afoot in the coming months.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!



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