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Armed State Thug Murders Marine in Orange County

In a shockingly blatant abuse of state power, a deputy in Orange County has murdered a United States Marine.   The crime? Putting his own kids into his own car.  Sgt. Manuel Loggins Jr. was shot early Tuesday while getting into his SUV that had his daughters in it.From the LA Times Blog:

"The deputy formed an opinion that he had a deep concern for the children, that he would not allow Mr. Loggins to drive away with the kids," said Jim Amormino, a spokesman for the department...

The shooting is being investigated by the Orange County district attorney's office. The deputy, a 15-year veteran, is on paid leave, which is routine in officer-involved shootings.

What is most sad and shocking about this incident is that it is far from an odd occurrence in today's society, where the police force is becoming increasingly militarized and taught to treat everyone as a threat and a suspect first, and a citizen with actual rights a distant 2nd.   The very fact that the deputy's "opinion" that he had concern for the children, whatever concern that may be, seems to justify in the department's eyes the deputy acting as judge, jury and executioner.As usual, the officer involved in the shooting was put on "paid leave', meaning he gets to continue to sit at home on the taxpayers' dime, have his legal fees paid for him, and likely be reassigned or just pushed into early retirement.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!