Food Nazis At Work: FDA & USDA Strip Your Freedom of Choice

Internally here at Lions of Liberty, we've had some debates about the role of the USDA and the FDA - whether they are a necessity or not if the U.S. is allowed to operate under a true free market economic model, with some split decisions being the end result. However, the overall agreement is that both of these organizations have too much power that reaches too far, and they stick their damn noses into people's lives where personal liberty should prohibit interference.The first such example happened earlier this week when the FDA finally shut down that terrorist organization based right here in the US of A, located right in Lancaster, PA...just miles from where yours truly was raised. Yes, the government finally closed the doors on Amish farmer, Daniel Allgyer's dairy farm, where he had been selling fresh, unpasteurized milk for years. Yes, this "dirty bomb" of dairy had been a thorn in the government's side and the untold millions spent over two years to deny his loyal and growing ranks of customers the fresh milk they preferred finally came to fruition.Proponents of fresh or "raw" milk cite that the milk provides improved nutrients for the immune system, stronger bones and teeth, etc, and feel that pasteurized milk removes some of the health benefits. While the pasteurization process removes the risk of infection, the debate rages on as to whether it also removes these other benefits along with it.  Long story short, the government should not be able to prohibit the sale of raw milk to those who prefer it because they feel that their version is "safer," when grown adults who know the risks and (presumably) rewards have made their own decision. Especially in a time when globally, humanity is in danger of running out of effective antibiotics, the choice to provide ones children with milk from cows that haven't been treated with hormones or antibiotics, with milk that is unpasteurized could be a boon and in truth, the potential infections could work to support the immune system's effectiveness.The second ridiculous example of the government's insane overreach into our personal liberties happened in North Carolina where a state worker mandated she be supplied chicken nuggets because her lunch "Didn't meet USDA standards." What were the contents of that lunch? Here they are: a turkey and cheese sandwich, a banana, apple juice and potato chips. Read that again and let the rage begin to build in you.Growing up, my mother made almost all of my lunches throughout school up until maybe 6th or 7th grade. I consider my mother to have raised me well and to this day I've never had a severe health problem, nor have I ever broken any bones even when I most likely should have more times than I can count. My lunches many times would include a peanut butter & jelly sandwich, a juice box and a snack/dessert. I was always in the proper weight category for my age and I currently stand at 6' 3" in height. But apparently the lunches my mother made for me don't live up to the insane standards that the USDA has stamped onto our school system, and good, homemade food is instead replaced and CHICKEN NUGGETS are forced into kids throats. I'm so angry over this I can barely type.We often talk about the bigger issues that our nanny state does to infringe on our personal rights, but these slights can't be ignored. If we aren't free to eat what we want, feed our children what we want and raise them as we see fit, we've already lost the battle and our children are already going to be raised into a Big Brother society that they'll be hard pressed to escape from.

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