Lions of Liberty

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Fear Not and Ante Up, We Have Powerful Competition

Just in case you didn’t realize it, we are here to inform you that Ron Paul is not only still in the race, but also a growing force to be reckoned with.  It looks like the media has found its timely darling in Rick Santorum….again, and its nationwide disciples are playing along.   His latest surge depresses me more than his last go round, but this one worries me a lot less.  We’ve seen this before and we will see it again.  I’m sure Newt has a surge or two left in him as well, but getting caught up in the rise and fall of these guys is a futile endeavor.  The contest has amounted to nothing more than a more boring version of reality TV.  At least Santorum’s top spot will help amplify his arrogance and ignorance to viewers everywhere in the debate this week.  Despite the Santorum sweep this month and the disappointment (or theft) in Maine shortly after; this campaign remains a real threat.  Sure, as pundits constantly feel the need to remind us, it IS an ideological battle, it IS a revolution that extends well beyond these silly election theatrics, but it is ALSO a real campaign with some real momentum. 
We have only ourselves and the truth.  The media will either ignore the campaign or smear it and its followers will abide its cue accordingly.  The Republican Party insiders will rig the game as far as they can without attracting the attention of the Paul faithful.  No one is interested in politics that challenge our simplistic categorized view of left vs right, gay vs straight, pro-choice vs pro-life. But Conservativism, progressivism, or whatever disgusting isms you wish to validate, are subjective terms that change every few years and every few miles.  These are mostly distractions that make you believe that all of your personal views and experiences should be open for debate and decided by an ever isolated, far off government. This is the message being broadcast by what we condescendingly term the “mainstream.”  In its most basic definition, the narrative is that Democrats are fighting the cause of the commoners and social acceptance while Republicans are fighting the cause of free markets and social restrictions.  These are absurd narratives. 
The truth is that everyone is fighting for their own club.  Not just the big guys at the top, but the little guys at the bottom too.  The system is rigged from puppet master fat cats in DC and New York to the working class champions of the common populace. People vote, donate, and influence others in the direction of what benefits them.  This is why this campaign is real.  The benefits of the philosophy and the failure of the same old tactics are forcing people to reassess what more government actually does.  Perpetual warfare, economic stratification, educational erosion, and the other evils it was supposed to cure seem to have mutated into greater beasts.  It may take disaster for people to truly want change, but hopefully through some education it can come before the precipice. That’s where we all need to step in and help spread the message that no one wants to hear, but no one can deny; “S^%&’s not working, we may need to rethink this thing.”   
So Ron Paul has been effectively shuffled back to the insignificant quack in the mainstream version of the story, but the same growing enthusiasm and following persists outside that narrow spectrum.  Ron Paul supporters aren’t the fickle type easily swayed by the political salesmen on TV.  At a marathon pace our numbers increase with new converts who usually travel a one way street to the revolution, typically shunning their former manufactured political philosophies all together.   More importantly Ron Paul is actually winning delegates despite the smokescreen results of the caucuses’ straw polls.  In the non binding caucus states, like Iowa and Maine, there are indications that Ron Paul will still even win a majority of delegates.  The whole process is a bit confusing and is different in each state, but the end result is that no one currently has ANY delegates from those highly publicized straw votes and the Paul campaign feels pretty confident in snagging a good portion of them. Time will tell.
We are coming to a critical point in the election cycle and need to make a splash.  Despite Ron Paul facing up against Obama as well (ex Virginia), if not better (ex. Ohio, Iowa) in most states, all we hear about are their anointed candidates-Romney and the Other Guy-because of the so- called “Ron Paul” ceiling.  We must keep spreading the word because no one else will; casually in conversation, annoyingly on facebook and twitter, publicly with bumper stickers and phone calls, or condescendingly via blogs. 
At the very least donate a few dollars to the campaign.  A grassroots effort requires grassroots participation, which means you.
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