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The Elder Statesman, Ron Paul Debate Highlights

I don’t put much faith in these debates and neither should you.  If you decide your voting preferences on the little snippets that these shows provide then you probably haven’t done your due diligence.  I found this particularly true in the case of our champion of liberty Ron Paul.  Paul, by his own admission and the critiques of many, is not a great debater and besides, you should know his answers to all the silly questions before he even responds. He doesn’t leave much to the imagination like his flip flopping counterparts on stage. The moderators even chuckle when they come to him on most questions because they realize the futility in asking.   It’s a shame that because someone might stammer on stage or forget what they were about to say or, as in Paul’s case, sound a bit rambling, the media and viewing public decide they aren’t qualified for four years of reading teleprompters.  As misguided as it may be these debate do influence people’s voting decisions. Perception is key to winning a busy and disengaged electorate and these contests create much of it for that wide audience.  As a great American writer once stated, “Perception is as much a fact as the sun.” 
In the glut of GOP debates that this season has brought, Paul has learned this lesson.  A more polished and eloquent version of the Texas congressman’s message is on display with every new debate.  I know I may sound repetitive in praising Paul’s performance, but I am not just being a “homer” for my candidate.  I am genuinely impressed more with each performance.  The Florida debate was a clear example of Paul’s evolution, but this performance in Arizona last night was even clearer.  Paul came off not only as a witty and, at times, funny candidate like he did in FL, but mostly as the elder statesman that he actually is.  Paul can look kind of hunched, ruffled, and, well, his age while up onstage next to the better manicured suits, but last night he looked like the more experienced, better learned, more mature, and only serious candidate.  He took his time delivering his statements, even stopping for a breath before sounding like the rambler he is often accused of being.  He was able to wrap up his complex answers to the simple questions in concise ways he usually has trouble finding.  His demeanor and facial expressions gave him the look of that battle tested guru whose advice you highly value instead of a kooky but cute grandpa type whose old ideas you mock or dismiss. He almost reminded me of a Texas congressman Vito Corleone on his daughters’ wedding day. 
Ron Paul is figuring out how to let people’s eyes and ears actually see and hear what he is saying.  Check out the highlights below from the elder statesman.  He doesn’t say anything he hasn’t before, but perhaps you will hear something new this time.  Without further ado, I give you the elder statesman in his own words….  
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