BREAKING: John McCain Is A Crazy Warmonger


THIS JUST IN FROM THE LIONS OF LIBERTY NEWS DESK: It has just been confirmed, in case everyone wasn't already convinced, that U.S. Senator John McCain - most recently infamous for his co-authoring of the NDAA - is a crazy effin' warmonger!

Yes, today Senator John McCain, apparently thinking that killing oh 30,000 people or so in Libya and handing it over to Al Qaeda wasn't quite enough, has called for U.S. airstrikes on the last secular country in the Middle East, Syria. McCain has never met a Muslim country he wasn't excited about bombing, and continues to be the embodiment of All That Is Wrong in the GOP. Though supposedly a "respected elder" of the Republican Party, McCain continuosly supports unconstitutional wars (Iraq, Libya, and *fingers crossed* Syria)and further diminishment of civil liberties (Patriot Act, NDAA and it's older cousin, The Military Commissions Act). The one bright spot about John McCain is that he does consistently speak out against torture. Only problem is that he just as consistently supports legislation that calls for it.There has been a lot of hype in the media about the violence in Syria, and a strong push for military intervention for "humanitarian" purposes. But much like with Libya, what is happening in Syria is a fake revolution, not a grassroots one.  It is not an uprising fueled by the rage of the people as in Tunisia and Egypt, but rather funded by the usual suspects of U.S., British, Israeli, Saudi and Qatari governments, largely comprised of foreign fighters, many of whom just seem to be making the rounds of U.S proxy wars as many are "veterans" (read: Al Qaeda terrorists) of the recent takeover of Libya.  Heck, our own Secretary of State Hillary admitted as much in a TV interview with the BBC.  NATO even tried to use the same exact script it used with Libya, by attempting to push a UN resolution to use as cover for military action. But in the game of Global Risk, Syria means too much to Russia and China, as they voted to block the resolution. This won't stop the War Party (an unofficial "party" that seems to encompass 90% of both Democrats and Republicans in the Congress) from attempting to launch a war, and it certainly won't stop John McCain from foaming at the mouth for one.Let's be clear here. There is nothing wonderful and peachy about the governments of Syria, Russia, China, or any other government for that matter! Certainly there is violence going on in Syria and certainly Bashir Assad is no angel. But when it comes down to it, this blogger will always side with less war, and less death by government decree. And surely, when a nation is $16 Trillion in debt and spread out in hundreds of countries, the last thing it needs is yet another war (that's US, by the way).Luckily, politicians like John McCain are (in this case, quite literally) a dying breed. A major reason for Barack Obama's support amongst youth in 2008 was his opposition to the Iraq War. And now 4 years later, we see much of that same energy being infused by the youth of the campaign of Ron Paul, perhaps the staunchest anti-war politician of our lifetime. It may seem odd that two of the oldest members of the U.S. Congress, Ron Paul and John McCain, most represent the two opposing sides of the anti-war / war monger chasm. But considering that Ron Paul consistently takes the youth vote, I'd say that the future is likely a bright one for that anti-war movement in America, and I'd be willing to bet we'll see a lot more "Ron Pauls" and a lot fewer "John McCains" in politics going forward. And that can only be a good thing.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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