Lions of Liberty

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Obama Hates Your Right To Assemble, Signs Trespass Bill

For a president widely derided as a Communist in some sectors of the political spectrum, Obama sure does hate some of the base tactics for staging a Communist revolution. Like, for instance, the right to assemble and protest. If we can't assemble (like some politically motivated Voltron) how can we overthrow the shackles of the oppressive bourgeois class? This is some Stalin-era Communism right here, Barack.Obama signed H.R. 347 last week, commonly referred to as the "Trespass Bill." The purpose of this legislation is to make it a crime to “engage in disorderly or disruptive conduct” or “impede[s] or disrupt[s] the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions,” anywhere that is under Secret Service control at any time.What's important to remember is that the SS doesn't just protect presidents and their wives, but also get deployed at many large events (Super Bowl, Olympics, State Funerals, Summits, etc). The common man (you and me) are given zero notice as to where or when SS agents are deployed. Thus, we are legally banned from protesting in many places and can be arrested (and held indefinitely without trial because of this little gem) without having any idea we were committing a crime. Oh, did I mention that all the candidates for the GOP nomination are also protected by the SS? Better not try to make any strong "political" statements at these political events where it would make sense - that could be a violation of our new Stalin society and you'll end up in a gulag in Siberia.
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