TSA: Where Logic Is Optional

We here at Lions of Liberty have been unafraid to criticize the ineffective and invasive practices administered by the Transportation and Security Agency.  It has been over 10 years since the Federal Government granted the TSA a monopoly over airport security.  During this tenure the TSA's "security" procedures have become increasingly convoluted and no more productive.  The absurdity of the security theater produce by the TSA is only eclipsed by the increasing violations to personal privacy and individual liberty of the American public.

Last week we posted a video created by an engineer named Jonathan Corbett.  In this video, Corbett exposes the ineffectiveness of the new backscatter x-ray machines utilized by the TSA.  It pointed out a flaw in the technology, which provides a loophole for potential criminals to circumvent detection of potentially dangerous objects.  During the viral video Jonathan documents taking metal cases through the TSA's incredibly expensive scanners without being detected, on two separate occasions. 
With a negative story of this magnitude, one would assume that the TSA's crisis management team would take over and immediately produce a press release that would serve to calm the fears of a worried public.  If we were talking about a private sector security firm, then that might be the case, but this is the Federal Government.  Instead, the TSA left the critical task of responding to this crippling video in the not so capable hands of the TSA bloggers.  The blog begins with this gem:

For obvious security reasons, we can’t discuss our technology's detection capability in detail, however TSA conducts extensive testing of all screening technologies in the laboratory and at airports prior to rolling them out to the entire field.

Immediately, the TSA blogger states for "obvious reasons" he will not be going into any detail regarding the body scanner's technology detection capability.  Hello!  The detection capability of the backscatter scanners was the entire basis of Jonathan Corbett's viral video.  You can't decide not to address the REASON why you are writing the blog post.  Why even bother responding in the first place?  Thank you for assuring us that the machines are thoroughly tested, because that is not the least bit relevant to the detection capability of a machine.Machines can be tested in varying environments, but if there is a flaw in the design that allows objects to sneak by undetected, all of the testing in the world will not change the intended detection capability of the scanner.  Basically, in the first sentence of their response, the TSA has stated that they do not intend to respond to the issue that necessitated the response.  Can you imagine if a private company pulled a stunt like this?  Let's continue reading, maybe they'll change their tune.

Imaging technology has been extremely effective in the field and has found things artfully concealed on passengers as large as a gun or nonmetallic weapons, on down to a tiny pill or tiny baggies of drugs. It’s one of the best tools available to detect metallic and non-metallic items, such as… you know… things that go BOOM. 

Did an adult write this blog or has the TSA outsourced their blogging to a class of 4th graders?  If this was the private sector and a company responded to a crisis situation with this garbage blog post the company would be bankrupt in weeks, because customers would no longer trust them with their business.  In the world of big government programs and mandates satisfying the customer isn't a pillar of the business plan.  Congress recently passed a law that begins a process that ends the TSA's monopoly on airport security and allows private firms to compete with the TSA to provide security.  This is a small victory and a step in the right direction, but does not fix the problem.  With the implementation of this law the TSA would still dictate procedures and provide training to the private companies.  The United States traveling public deserves the most efficient, flexible and safe airline security in the World.  This can only come to fruition by allowing unfettered competition in the marketplace.  The TSA's response to this video only furthur solidifies their complete lack of awareness and reinforces the need for competition in airline security.  I am confident that competition would quickly lead to the end of the TSA.        Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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