Lying Liars and "Humanitarian Wars"


As retired Marine Corp General Smedley Butler once stated so succinctly, war is a racket.  Throughout history governments have had to continuously come up with new justifications for war to present to it's citizens.  The straight up answer of   "imperialist aspirations, mercantalism and general plunder" isn't enough to rally a populace to be eager to sacrifice blood and treasure, so governments instead conjure all sorts of noble causes and boogeymen to justify military intervention in other countries.  Back in the day we fought World Wars to "keep the world safe for democracy".   During the Cold War we had to intervene everywhere from Korea to Vietnam to Nicaragua in order to "stop the spread of communism".  And of course since 9/11 we've had the U.S. military patrolling the globe in the name of fighting the "War on Terror".  But even the constantly looming threat of a terrorist at every football game is starting to wear thin on the American people, as it seems like the hip new thing nowadays is to call for military intervention in other countries under the cover of "humanitarianism".The rhetoric seems to have really ramped up lately, as we've recently seen longtime unapologetic warmonger John McCain calling for airstrikes in Syria in the name of protecting their citizens from the Middle East Boogeyman of the Month, Bashar Al Assad.   This comes the same week as viral video "Kony 2012", a slick war propaganda piece which aims to promote military intervention in Central Africa under the guise of capturing long ago displaced rebel leader Joseph Kony, has become the most viral video of all time with nearly 100 million views.   Assad and Kony may not have much in common with Adolph Hitler nor do they have anywhere close to his power or destructive influence, but nonetheless both are promoted as a "next Hitler" who "has to be stopped at all costs".  And also like Hitler, they both have curiously fascinating mustaches. 

Note to Kony and Assad: You might wanna think about shavin' the 'staches.

In order to promote a war, no doubt one of the most dastardly inventions of man, it takes a great public relations team to craft the backstory and a few soulless liars to dispense the propaganda.   We've got the usual neocon suspects calling for regime change in Syria.  Meanwhile Invisible Children, the group promoting the "Kony 2012" video, have taken a different approach by using fancy MTV style marketing and recruiting celebrities like Angelina Jolie to promote their cause.   But we don't need to look very far back in history to see that the hype behind a war often does not match the reality.During the buildup to the original Gulf War the Kuwaiti government hired a public relations firm to help them promote the case for war. The firm, Hill & Knowlton, went as far as to hire an actress to give Congressional testimony with tales about Iraqi soldiers killing babies in incubators in a hospital.  However, it turned out the entire story was a hoax.  And even more recently, we saw tale upon tale of Libyan soldiers doing terrible things like raping children while on Viagra as part of the hype leading up to NATO's takeover of Libya (along with their good pals Al Qaeda, of course).The video below by French filmmaker Julien Thiel helps break down another one of the lies about Libya, that Gaddafi was bringing in all sorts of African mercenaries to do dastardly deeds, and how it relates to the intentional division of Africa.  Of course, upon further investigation, these mercenaries were nowhere to be found, just like there were no soldiers taking Viagra. But who has time for details when there's a good humanitarian war on the way?If we ever hope to reign in the warmongers and stop so many needless wars from taking place in the name of humanitarianism, we need to start to break through propaganda. The internet is certainly a mighty tool in this endeavor, but it turns out activitst bloggers aren't the only ones that have caught on. Now that the establishment forces themselves are using social media to hype wars through movements like "Kony 2012", it's more important than ever to have voices for truth and peace shouting just as loudly as the ones calling for war. Help by spreading this blog or videos like the one above - it's the humanitarian thing to do.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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