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Santorum Struggling in Home State of Pennsylvania

Rick Santorum is no stranger to media attention.  This week he was at the center of two controversial stories.  Unfortunately, I doubt either event will sink his campaign for the Republican Nomination.  If we have learned anything during this election cycle, it is that the Rick Santorum supporter is not dissuaded to vote for their candidate by the strange statements that come out of his mouth, or his previous support for big government solutions.  Perhaps his followers will question his leadership once it is unveiled that Rick Santorum enjoys very little support in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, where he was a Senator for more than 10 years.


Senator Santorum's first blunder this week occurred during an interview with El Vocero Newspaper; he  demanded that Puerto Rico make English the official language if they desire statehood.  Mr. Santorum would have benefited from knowledge that English, along with Spanish, already is the official language of Puerto Rico.  In hindsight, I'm sure he regrets not having investigated and learned about the Puerto Rican culture before opening his mouth.  Throughout his campaign, it has become a common trend that Rick fails to think before he speaks.The second foolish mistake Rick made last week was deciding that now was the ideal time to threaten the pornography industry with government intervention.  As a Presidential contender it is fine to have negative views regarding the adult entertainment industry, but to warn the industry of potential government action is absurd.  Apparently, Mr. Santorum determined that the United States did not already have sufficient issues to address.  The highest gas prices of all time for the season, several  undeclared wars, a collapsing dollar, and near 20% real unemployment are not pressing issues for his campaign.   The former Senator from PA is no stranger to social engineering.  It would not be a stretch to assume that dictating the personal behaviors of individuals was a core reason Ricky decided to get involved with politics.  In a 2006 interview with NPR, Santorum exposed his belief that individuals should not be free to act as they wish.  A President Santorum would be extremely dangerous to the ideals of liberty.  Wielding such power may provide him the platform to sate his desire to utilize government force, by requiring free people to live the way Rick Santorum envisions.
It is no secret that the Santorum campaign has stumbled this past week, but these missteps might actually be helping to deflect media attention from an equally embarrassing failure.   According to the York Daily Record,  Mr. Santorum, who served as a Pennsylvania Senator for over 10 years, has yet to receive a solitary endorsement from anyone who is active in PA GOP politics.
Not a single major, statewide Republican leader in Pennsylvania has endorsed him. Not Gov. Tom Corbett or U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey. The chairman of the state party, Rob Gleason, is sitting it out. None of the five candidates vying to take on Democrat Bob Casey for Santorum's old Senate seat is pushing for him.   Not even his friend, U.S. Rep. Tim Murphy, R-Upper St. Clair.....

These PA GOP leaders realize what Santorum's supporters in other parts of the country refuse to acknowledge.  He would get absolutely annihilated in a general election with President Obama.  There are many skeptical Pennsylvanians that believe he likely would not even be able to win his home state!The inability of the Santorum campaign to secure any endorsements in his home state, paired with his failure to gather the required signatures in order to get pro Santorum delegates on the ballot, add up to a very likely scenario that he will receive zero delegates from Pennsylvania.  In the state of Pennsylvania the primary vote is nothing more than a beauty contest.  Even if Rick wins the popular vote in Pennsylvania, the state's 72 delegates to the GOP convention in Tampa are not bound by the results.  All three of the other candidates, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, and Newt Gingrich were able to gather the required signatures in order to get some of their supporters on the ballot to become delegates.  How can a Presidential contender be taken seriously when he is unsuccessful at organizing a strong grassroots campaign in a state where he was a Senator for 10 years?In a past blog post I shared the 9 reasons NOT to vote for Rick Santorum.  The rise of the Santorum campaign has been astonishing.  Naturally, I am a bit biased, because I am a Ron Paul supporter.   From my perspective, Senator Santorum was the worst candidate out of the bunch back when 8 or 9 candidates still were vying for the Republican Nomination.  If Republicans that support Senator are serious about defeating President Obama, then they need to ask themselves one question.  If the Santorum campaign is unable to obtain even one endorsement in Pennsylvania and failed to acquire enough signatures to get delegates on the ballot, then how the heck do you expect him to run a competitive national campaign against a sitting President, who is expected to spend close to 1 billion dollars on his reelection?Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!