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Ron Paul Money Bomb: Why Donate?

Update: Two pieces of good news.  Ron Paul issued an email to supporters stating that the Give Me Liberty Money Bomb has been extended through Sunday and Ron Paul Campaign Manager Jesse Benton issued the following statement during an interview with MSNBC yesterday:

We’re hoarding cash so we can go ahead and run hard in Texas and California.

It is music to the ears of supporters to hear that the Ron Paul campaign for President is going to fight to win the California and Texas primaries.  Mitt Romney does not have this election wrapped up.  The real fight for the GOP nomination is only beginning.  I strongly suggest considering donating to the only incorruptible candidate running for the White House, from either party.    Original Post: Today, March 23, Dr. Ron Paul's grassroots supporters are holding possibly the most important fundraising Money Bomb of this campaign.  The reason for the significance is rooted in the importance of dispelling the false rumors that Dr. Paul's campaign for the Presidential Nomination is winding down.  Quite the opposite is true.  States are just beginning the delegate selection process and Ron Paul supporters are positioning themselves to claim as many delegates as possible to the National Convention in Tampa, FL.The media would be pleased if Congressman Ron Paul dropped out of the race, allowing their anointed candidate, Mitt Romney, to claim the GOP nomination.  The establishment media has neglected to cover his recent events in an attempt to make it appear that the Paul campaign is finished.  It has often been said that the revolution will not be televised and that is exactly what is occurring.  The Congressman from Texas has been drawing crowds of thousands at college campuses and towns across the country.  Lions of Liberty provided the proof behind this growing trend by contrasting a Ron Paul rally with a Mitt Romney rally.

It is frequently cited in exit polls, that Mitt Romney is winning the majority of voters that cast their vote based on which candidate is most likely to defeat President Obama, in the general election.  Based on recent polling data, this craze is coming to an end.  A new PPP poll shows congressman Paul holds Barack Obama to the lowest percentage when compared to the other GOP candidates and is in a virtual tie with the sitting President, when margin for error is factored in.  More from PPP:

Romney is actually not the most electable Republican candidate on this poll. Ron Paul and Rick Santorum both do a point better than him, trailing by 3 points at 46-43 and 48-45 respectively. As we often find to be the case Paul is the strongest candidate with independents, tying Obama with them while the rest of the GOP field trails by 6-15 points. 

The establishment media and the GOP elite would like nothing better than for Ron Paul to disappear.  Congressman Paul can still win the GOP nomination and is the only GOP candidate that can compete with the President for the youth vote and independents, which comprise the largest voting block.  The reason the elites are ignoring Ron Paul is because he would initiate the radical changes that this country so desperately needs.  They realize he has the organization and passionate support needed to compete in a national election and are hell bent on stopping him.  If you don't believe me, then please take a minute to view a special message from Dr. Paul.

Please take a few minutes out of your busy lives and donate to the Give Me Liberty Money Bomb.  There most likely will not be another candidate like Ron Paul in a long, long time.  The time for action is now!Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!