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Ron Paul Revolution: Not Televised, But Alive and Well

If you're reading this blog post right now, there are a few things I can safely assume about you.  Firstly, you are probably very intelligent! It's also likely that you get at least a decent portion of your news from the internet, whether it's alternative news sources like The Huffington Post or The Drudge Report or various forms of social media such as Twitter and Facebook.  This is commonplace for every advertiser's favorite demographic, the beloved "18-34"'s.  It's easy for us to forget there is still a large portion of the populace whose primary news source is the so-called "Mainstream Media" (MSM).  For those that fall into this category, there is probably no doubt that the general election this coming November will be between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.  After all, now that Rick Santorum has suspended his campaign, there is nothing to stop Romney from seizing the nomination...right?Well, not exactly.  While it's true that Romney has a large lead in the delegate count, the numbers that the MSM is using are largely guesses. Many states do not bind their delegates based on the 'straw poll' results, and in many of those states Romney will likely not be getting the delegates the MSM is assuming he will.  For one example we can look at Iowa, where CNN is reporting that Santorum, Paul, and Romney are each getting 7 delegates , while giving Gingrich 2.  They are basing these results on the Iowa Straw Paul, in which Santorum, Paul and Romney essentially tied for first, while Gingrich finished a distant fourth.  However, these numbers are irrelevant. Like with many other caucus states, Iowa does not bind it's delegates based on the straw vote.  Instead, delegates are determined through a series of conventions at the local, county and state level.  It is the delegates elected from this process that eventually go on to the GOP Convention in Tampa and vote for their nominee for President.   The body that elects these national delegates in Iowa recently voted A.J. Spiker, the former head of Ron Paul's Iowa campaign, as the new head of the state Iowa State GOP.  Do we really think that this same body is only going to send 7 Ron Paul delegates to Tampa?   For the MSM to report delegates based on the straw vote is either a sinister deception or simple lack of good journalism, both of which would be equally easy to believe.Another mistake the MSM is making is the presumption that now that Santorum is out, all of his delegates will fall in line and back Romney.  However, that is a dangerous assumption to make, especially when Santorum himself has declined to endorse Romney or anyone else for that matter. Rick Santorum  has technically only "suspended" his campaign, not ended it,  As long as his campaign is merely "suspended" , and he has technically not withdrawn himself from contention, all bound delegates for Rick Santorum are still obligated to vote for him on the 1st ballot in Tampa. Ben Swann of Cincinnati's WXIX has done an excellent piece on the delegate situation with Santorum having suspended his campaign.Any unbound delegates that had planned to vote for Santorum will still be free to vote their conscience, and there are many good reasons for Santorum supporters to vote for Ron Paul instead of Mitt Romney. In fact, we are already seeing Paul and Santorum supporters forming alliances on the local level, as they did this weekend in Colorado, resulting in Romney receiving less delegates than Santorum and the "unbound" (Paul) delegates that worked together at the conventions.  It's important to once again note that none of these delegates are actually bound to vote for any candidate, and the Santorum supporters will likely face a choice at the convention of who to back in the likely event that Santorum does not renew his campaign.  Who are they likely to vote for? Romney? Or Ron Paul, whose supporters they worked with to get there? There is no way for anyone to truly know before the convention, but somehow the Mainstream Media claims to know the future.I'm going to go ahead and make another safe assumption.  If you still watch TV at all (this blogger gave up the cable box a few years ago), it is safe to assume you haven't heard about the events in Colorado this past weekend. And you probably also haven't heard about the Paul campaign snagging delegates in Minnesota this weekend either.  Or sweeping the Missouri caucuses the other week.  You've likely heard no mention of the record-breaking crowds Paul has been drawing to campaign events all across the country, such as his massive rally at UCLA that we covered on this very site. And I know you didn't see any Fox News Breaking News headlines about the over $1 Million Dr. Paul has raised so far in his most recent money bomb.It's clear the Revolution will not be televised.  And with viewers fleeing cable news in droves, it doesn't need to be.  As Dr. Paul has said time and time again, "the Revolution is alive and well", whether or not the MSM wants to actually report it.  This is an intellectual revolution, and it's effects won't necessarily be immediately seen in some flashy media event.  Rather, this revolution is taking place in the hearts and minds of the people, and it will go on through the new media as the Dinosaur Media dies a slow, boring, unreported death.The revolution is seen in formerly passive, apolitical people like our own Dom J. becoming active bloggers in their free time.  It is seen in 18 year old Tyler Koteskey, a UCLA student who helped organize the Ron Paul rally mentioned above and is now running for the GOP Central Committee in the 54th District of Los Angeles on a Constitutional platform.   As luck would have it, both Tyler and Dom recently appeared on radio show "Agree to Disagree", hosted by friend of Lions of Liberty, The New American Media's Brian Engelman.Please take the time to give the full interview a listen, and you witness several examples of how the Ron Paul Revolution is changing the way people view the world, one soul at a time.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!