Lions of Liberty

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The Most Viewed Libertarian Websites

There are generally three types of people who visit our website.  One type is the individual who scavenges every corner of the internet on a mission to self-educate and develop a better understanding of libertarian philosophy.  Hopefully Lions of Liberty has become a recurring stop on their journey to liberty enlightenment.  A second type of person that frequents this site would be categorized as a curious, but cautious reader.  They are not quite sure if they agree or disagree with our brand, but they understand there is something very wrong in this country and traditional news outlets are not providing sufficient coverage.  Perhaps, these individuals are new to the liberty movement or alternative media altogether.  The last type is confused by our mission or could potentially be unfriendly to the cause of liberty.  Maybe the Google Gods flung them unsuspectingly to our website and they are appalled to read opinions that differ from the Sunday paper.  All we can hope to accomplish with these visitors is to peak their interest and encourage them to question the status quo.  Someday down the line they may end up on our webpage again, or that of like-minded friends, and hopefully they’ll receive the message of liberty with a more open mind.Personally, my insatiable appetite to consume as much libertarian material as humanly possible has me searching for different liberty based perspectives daily.  Thankfully, Patrick at The Capital Free Press has done the hard work for us and compiled a list of The Most Viewed Libertarian Websites .  It is an expansive list that tracks more than one hundred of the most popular liberty centered websites in the world.  The list includes domains that will meet the needs of long time activists and those newly exposed to the ideals of individual liberty.We at Lions of Liberty are thrilled to announce that our website has been added to this expansive website visit tracking list.  Currently, we appear at the bottom of the directory, but the reason for this is derived from our recent addition and lack of necessary data to compile a ranking.  Hopefully, with help from our loyal readers, we’ll be able to achieve a solid top 100 debut and continue to move up the rankings month after month.Five of the top ten website on this extensive list are among the favorites of this blogger.  Lew Rockwell, Daily Paul, Ludwig von Mises Institute,, and Economic Policy Journal are all essential daily stops that assist with catching up on current events and strengthening my libertarian philosophy.  Please take some time to go through the list and step out of your comfort zone by visiting some different sites.If you like what we are doing with Lions of Liberty please like our Facebook page, follow us on twitter, and share one of your favorite posts with your friends.  We appreciate our loyal readers, curious followers, and hope to positively impact foes that are unsympathetic to the cause of liberty.Have a great Friday!  I know I will because I get to see Ron Paul speak at the University of Pittsburgh tonight!Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!