Can The Power Of The People Stop CISPA?

As hopefully many of you are aware, the latest attempt by the Federal Government to intrude on your personal privacy and liberty, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), was just passed through the House and now resides in the Senate, where, with any luck, it will be struck down. In a truncated synopsis, CISPA (under the guise of 'security' as these liberty-stripping bills always are - our earlier article on it here) provides the government the ability to inspect all of your private data, including web history, text messages, emails, etc. if you are suspected of being a cybersecurity threat. The definition of this threat is exceptionally broad - a "threat to the network" is grounds for them to demand your information from companies with access to this data. Or a threat to intellectual property rights. Or if they suspect that there is "danger to children" or that someone may be at "risk of bodily harm." If the government snoops create some mystery scenario where any of these situations, factual or perceived, can exist they are exempt to all laws pertaining to personal privacy where it concerns your information.This bill is an insult to every American citizen, and shows that the government will stop at nothing to expand it's Big Brother control over society. However, there is hope. The universally hated PIPA and SOPA bills were defeated due to massive public outcry and unanimous support throughout the web against them. A strong message was sent to the representatives in Congress, and for once, it was heard. The Obama administrations latest attack against small farming families, where ridiculous child labor laws were to be forced upon family farm units, was just rescinded after this Daily Caller article went viral. The massive backlash and public outcry that is palpable and powerful against these bills gives Americans a fighting chance to maintain our freedom and we encourage everyone to again rise up and let Congress know that this bill, like the others before it, will not pass without a fight. And if it does pass, those who passed it will not be forgiven.It's very possible that the backlash from online communities, and websites like this one is the very reason that the government repeatedly goes back to the well to try to stifle freedom and liberty online. These cyber bills are like weeds - every time one is pulled another pops up. It serves as a reminder that the government exists to serve its own interests - and our online privacy and liberty are a huge threat to those interests. Thus the non-stop efforts to stifle and destroy what has been built by the people and what has become the most powerful tool for maintaining the fight for freedom.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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