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P.A.N.D.A. Watch! Help Stop The NDAA.

Yes, I know, we keep harping on this darn NDAA thing.  It's easy to forget about a law that allows Americans to be snatched off the streets without being charged with any crime and held indefinitely by the military.  It's a law the effects of which are not easily visible to us.  We don't see people being snatched away by men in black off the street.  Most people probably still haven't heard of the NDAA and it's indefinite detention provisions, as for whatever reason Presidential slow jams and trendy viral videos seem to be far more captivating to the internet-trolling public.  Many that have heard of it probably blow it off as "conspiracy nonsense" and feel that even if this crazy law is real, our slow jamming President would never use it for nefarious purposes.Unlike with say, Obamacare, the NDAA will likely not affect the day-to-day lives of most people.  The fact that the enactment of this law will be largely hidden from public view is what makes it most dangerous.  Anyone detained under NDAA will exist outside of the current legal system.  It's very unlikely you'll ever see a headline "Lions of Liberty's Marc Detained Under NDAA!" (let's hope!). No, those affected by the NDAA will be like most of the unknown faces held and tortured in Guantanamo Bay: anonymous and unseen.And that is what makes it all the more important to stop it in it's tracks now.  Obamacare may very well be deemed "Constitutional" by the Supreme Court. But it's effects will be seen as they take place.  Public anger may increase as the costs of health insurance increases exponentially and fines for not purchasing insurance get higher and higher.  If enough public anger builds, it's possible political action could overturn the law.  Contrarily with the NDAA, we likely won't see such public anger build, unless we spread the word on the grassroots level.That's exactly what Dan Johnson, a college student at Bowling Green University, did when he founded P.A.N.D.A. (People Against National Defense Act).    Dan started PANDA in January 2012 in response to the indefinite detention provisions of the NDAA.  PANDA is an excellent resource for information on the NDAA, and how to stop it.  PANDA provides drafts of legislation that people can bring to the city council in order to nullify the NDAA and stop it on the local level.I could go on, but why not let the founder of PANDA tell you more about it himself? Please give a listen to this interview from friend of Lions of Liberty, The New American Media's Brian Engelman, when he had a chance to interview Dan Johnson about PANDA and the NDAA on his "Agree to Disagree" radio show.Dan Johnson is another example of the intellectual revolution taking place in this country.  Today people are becoming informed about the issues affecting our liberty almost as fast as Congress is rushing to take it away.What can you do for liberty today? Tell a friend about NDAA.Oh, and PANDA is not only an excellent resource for combating the NDAA. It also gives me a great excuse to post one of my favorite clips from the film "Anchorman". PANDA WATCH!Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!