Liberty Has Its Perks


Last night I was driving home with a friend at a fairly late hour. I knew I had a headlight out when I left and made the remark in the car "I have a headlight out, so there's about a 50% chance we're getting pulled over. Sure enough, after pulling up right behind a police car at a stop light, the officer pulled into the right lane, slowed down, and then pulled back into my lane to pull me over. I had no real reason to worry. I hadn't been drinking and other than the minor infraction of the headlight had done nothing wrong. And yet, every time I get pulled over I get that slight sinking feeling in my stomach. Maybe it's just me, but something makes me slightly nervous about being pulled to the side of the road and questioned by a guy with a uniform and a gun shining a light on me.The officer was nice enough. I told him I knew about the headlight and would take care of it tomorrow, that I hadn't had anything to drink and was simply driving my friend and then myself home. After a few standard questions about whether I had any weapons or "dope" (do people really use that word?), the officer went back to his car.After a minute or so, he came back to my window and said "What's with the Ron Paul bumper sticker?""I'm a big fan!",I exclaimed, cautiously optimistic that he wasn't asking me this because he thought I was a terrorist."Well because of that bumper sticker you're not getting a ticket tonight". He then handed my license back to me, shook my hand, and told me to have a good night.No, not exactly a harrowing tale of my bravery in battling the State.  But it's certainly nice to get a reminder once in a while that those that work for state institutions don't necessarily subscribe to statists views, and that the spark of liberty can often be seen in unexpected places.And if my passion for liberty gets me out of a ticket now and again, so be it.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon! 


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