3 Theories Why Rand Endorsed Mitt


"My first choice had always been my father. I campaigned for him when I was 11-years-old. He's still my first pick, but now that the nominating process is over, tonight I'm happy to announce that I'm going to be supporting Gov. Mitt Romney," Rand Paul said on Fox News.Friday morning this was the first bits of news I read when I woke up.  Being a fan of Rand Paul on Facebook, the status update containing the endorsement was uncovered during my daily morning phone scroll through Facebook and Twitter.   The first emotion that came over me was shock.  To be completely honest, it is possible that my brain struggled computing the words “Paul endorses Romney” all in the same sentence.   That phrase just looks wrong.  Similar to, “First place Pittsburgh Pirates.”  It will be my pleasure to get used to the first place buccos, but when it came to Senator Paul’s endorsement it was difficult to watch the interview.  What was even more disturbing was the forum that Rand chose to break the news regarding the endorsement.  The terrible Sean Hannity show.  That smug prick has done more to discredit true conservatism than anyone outside of Rush “GOP water carrier” Limbaugh.  Hannity certainly is no friend of liberty.  His radio and TV shows are essentially an advertisement supporting endless war, torture, and the Federal Reserve System.After the initial shock wore off and the words of Senator Paul percolated through my brain, a few theories have come to mind to answer why Rand decided to endorse Romney.  It is important, before sharing my opinion on this topic that it is perfectly clear that my opinions do not represent the opinions of all contributors to this site.  We are all individuals and especially when opining on a topic this divisive, we are bound to disagree.  Without further ado, I present the three theories why Rand Paul endorsed Mitt Romney for President, the conspiracy theory, the sell out theory, and the political theory.The conspiracy theory is based on the premise that threats to Ron Paul’s life having been made by the globalist elite in recent weeks.  The elite have become fearful of Dr. Paul’s growing influence and hatched a plan, possibly at the Bilderberg 2012 meeting, to eliminate him if he did not get in line with the rest of the Republicrats.  A believer of this theory would argue that as a result of these death threats Ron recently released a letter ceding the nomination to Mitt Romney.  This letter was then followed up by Rand’s endorsement in order to save his father’s life.  Proponents of this logic might say that Ron and Rand are merely puppets now, controlled by the global banking elite.The elite are scared of the Paul’s, as they should be.  Ron Paul has started a revolution that will jeopardize their long-standing control over the masses.  If they wanted to get rid of Ron Paul, why didn’t they do this back in 2008?  The movement was smaller and Dr. Paul did not have nearly as many delegates pledged to the Republican convention, but he still represented a threat.  From my perspective, this conspiracy theory doesn’t hold water.The sell out theory has gained support across almost all Ron Paul related blogs and web pages across the interwebs.  Rand Paul’s favorability rating has probably dropped below 10% in most diehard Ron Paul circles.  Defenders of this theory are assuming that Rand has pledged his support to Mitt Romney in exchange for some sort of political gain.  Could it be the Vice Presidency or a cabinet position?  Many Ron Paul supporters, rightfully, have never trusted Rand.  That’s fine with me, trust is built over time.  These patriots have been loyal to The Good Doctor for over 30 years, because he has always been true to his word.  Dr. Paul has fought to uphold the constitution and preserve our liberty.  Rand is new to politics and maybe the pressure became too much handle.This theory is not that outlandish.  For all I know it could be true.  Maybe Rand is a sneaky little weasel who played his Dad for a fool in order to further his own political aspirations.  Rand would not be a Senator without help from his father’s passionate grassroots supporters.  His campaign in 2010 would have absolutely ended in a primary defeat if he did not have donations streaming in from Ron’s loyal support group.  Could Rand be so gutless as to turn his back on the liberty lovers who have invested time and money into his political future?  This theory doesn’t make the cut either.  Ron raised his children better.If Rand Paul didn’t endorse Romney out of fear or because he’s a heartless sell out, then why on earth did he?  Often, we get so enamored with the message of liberty that Ron Paul champions, we forget he is a politician.  More so than any other member of congress in Washington Dr. Paul has been able to rise above tidal wave of outrage that is directed at those inside the beltway.  He has been able to do this because, as his loyal supporters often say, he is incorruptible.  Ron Paul has not, and will not play politics.  His personal stance doesn’t prevent his campaign staff or Rand Paul from deviating from his chosen path and entering into the political arena.  Rand is not his father, but who on earth is exactly like the man who gave them life.  It is one blogger’s humble opinion, but from my viewpoint it appears that Rand wants to be more successful than his father politically.Saying that Ron doesn’t strive to be successful politically implies that Ron Paul doesn’t care about saving this country.  The opposite is true.  Ron did not waver from his principles in order to set an example for how a true statesman should vote in Washington.  For a period of time before the internet, this was the only option.  To leave a voting record that one day will serve as an example for how future generations should govern.  It’s only been in the past several years that Ron Paul’s message of liberty has caught fire.  Rand has watched his father campaign for liberty this entire life.  He’s witnessed the struggles and it probably has been incredibly frustrating to see people ignoring his father and marginalizing the message of liberty.Rand’s decision to endorse Mitt Romney veered off the path that Ron Paul paved for his son.  We have no way of knowing Rand Paul’s ambition, but it would not be farfetched to assume that he will seek the presidency some day.  By giving the presumptive nominee his endorsement, Rand is attempting to appease the establishment.  Perhaps he feels this strategy will allow him to gain their support when he makes his own run for President of the United States.  Personally, for me the endorsement does not change a thing.  Mitt Romney will not be getting my vote and Rand Paul will continue to be judged on his voting record and his stance on policy.  In my opinion, it was not the correct move to endorse Romney, but in fairness it was not the right move for Murray Rothbard to endorse George Bush in 1992.  Without Rothbard’s contribution to the libertarian movement we might not have Ron Paul today.If you can’t bring yourself to support Rand Paul, or if you are so disgusted with him that you cannot bear the sight or sound of his voice, then maybe you should think about running for Senate or Congress.  There aren’t very many politicians out there who are doing more to defend your liberty than Dr. Rand Paul.  He’s not his father, but he’s a heck of a lot closer than 99% of Washington.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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