Lions of Liberty

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Tom Woods' Definitive Libertarian Speech

As much as I love to rant and rave, every once in a while it's time to take a step back cede my time to other brilliant minds.  I can think of few more brilliant minds than libertarian scholar and historian Thomas Woods.  Mr. Woods recently gave an excellent speech at the Texas Libertarian Party Convention.  I highly recommend it to anyone interested in libertarian philosophy, whether you're new to the whole thing or a diehard lifelong Rothbard-worshipping Anarcho-Capitalist.  I'd particularly recommend this to anyone frustrated by the political process i.e. the recent Rand Paul endorsement of Romney.Every word I type here takes away from time you could be spending listening to this speech, so at this point I'll just shut my trap and let the man speak. Take it away, Tom!We started this website for the exactly the reasons Tom Woods is suggesting. We don't all need to be Rothbard or even Woods but we can all contribute and all express our views. We must become the media.My generation is largely being raised on the internet and rejecting traditional media outlets. As this generation grows and others after it rise up, their views will be crafted by the new media we create.Let's crowd out the Mainstream Media, and help create a more free society.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!