The 30 (+1) Day Libertarian Reading List


A little over 48 hours from now, I will be at a major international airport awaiting what will likely be another grope from my good friends at TSA.  But it will be for a greater purpose of experiencing one of the most wonderful freedoms known to man - that of traveling abroad.  I make it a point to get out of the country and "off the grid" at least once per year.  It's easy to get trapped in the bubble of daily life (and near-daily blogging) and forget there's an entire planet out there to explore.  I will return to blogging with a vengeance in a few weeks, and until then several of our other writers will be keeping you informed and entertained.But just in case your thirst for liberty knowledge remains unquenched, this might be a good time for a little summer reading project.  I can think of no better reading list than one recently proposed by Robert Wenzel on his blog, the "30 Day Reading List That Will Lead You To Becoming a Knowledgeable Libertarian".  The list is intended as a starting point for the study of libertarianism from some of its greatest minds such as Murray Rothbard, Walter Block, and Ludwig Von Mises.As Thomas E. Woods recently made the plea recently in his definitive libertarian speech for libertarians to take to "the airwaves" so to speak both to educate ourselves and others through the various media outlets that are so easily accessible thanks to the internet, young Steve Cronin is doing  just that by posting a video blog on his YouTube channel discussing each of these articles.   Steve's video explaining this project below:The battle for Liberty is an intellectual one, and a war of ideas can only be won by being armed with the knowledge to fully understand and defend one's positions.  The single most important thing any of those that believe in liberty can do is to constantly be seeking ways to educates both ourselves and others.  This is a process that can and should occur concurrently, as none of us can ever truly be "fully" educated.Before we get to Mr. Wenzel's reading list, I have to step in and add a personal favorite piece that truly served to open my eyes and truly understand how the state functions.  This would be Murray Rothbard's "Anatomy of the State".  Whether you read it first or last, I urge everyone that has enough interest in the subject matter to have made it this deep into this post to give it a thorough reading.  You will not be disappointed.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!Bob Wenzel's Reading List is below with links included.  I expect all of you to be more knowledgeable libertarians when I return!Day 1The Task Confronting Libertarians by Henry HazlittDay 2 The Fascist Threat by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.Day 3 Free Economy and Social Order by Wilhelm RöpkeDay 4 The Peculiar and Unique Position of Economics by Ludwig von MisesDay 5 What Soviet Medicine Teaches Us by Yuri MaltsevDay 6 Economic Depressions: Their Causes and Cures by Murray RothbardDay 7 Is Greater Productivity a Danger? by David GordonDay 8 Taxation Methods Evaluated by Murray RothbardDay 9 Hitler Was a Keynesian by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.Day 10 Seeing the Unseen by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.Day 11 The Watermelon Summit by Thomas J. DiLorenzoDay 12 Inequality by Ludwig von MisesDay 13 How to Think Like an Economist by Murray RothbardDay 14 The Health Plan's Devilish Principles by Murray RothbardDay 15 Vices Are Not Crimes by Murray RothbardDay 16 Repudiate the National Debt by Murray RothbardDay 17 The Fallacy of the 'Public Sector' by Murray RothbardDay 18 The Road to Totalitarianism by Henry HazlittDay 19 The Many Collapses of Keynesianism by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.Day 20 The Crippling Nature of Minimum Wage Laws by Murray RothbardDay 21 Who Owns Water by Murray RothbardDay 22 Defending the Slumlord by Walter BlockDay 23 The Freedom of Association by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, JrDay 24 How to Help the Poor and Oppressed by Walter BlockDay 25 Everything You Love You Owe to Capitalism by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.Day 26 Is There a Right To Unionize? by Walter BlockDay 27 What If Public Schools Were Abolished? by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.Day 28 Why Austrian ? an interview with Robert HiggsDay 29 Economics and Moral Courage by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.Day 30 Do You Hate the State? by Murray Rothbard


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