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Supreme Court Fails To Protect Liberty: Obamacare Stands

In a truly astounding and disgusting ruling today, the Supreme Court has upheld President Obama's absurd mandate that all Americans be force-fed health insurance, however under the guise of a "tax." The hypocrisy was neck deep in the statements coming out of "conservative" turncoat, Chief Justice John Roberts, who stated plainly that the Affordable Care Act was in violation of the Constitution, as the government could not force Americans to purchase a service. However, in the same breath he then stated that when it was viewed as a "tax" its "practical characteristics pass muster as a tax under our narrowest interpretations of the taxing power." And that a citizen that doesn't want to comply has a "lawful choice to do or not do a certain act, so long as he is willing to pay a tax levied on that choice."This is absolutely absurd logic. What we are left with is a product Americans will be forced to buy, or have a tax that Americans will be forced to pay if they don't want to adopt the government's healthcare rape. They have a "choice" not to pay the tax, but of course we all know what happens if you don't pay your taxes: you go to jail. Thus, the choice we have is to buy into this sham or go to jail. How, Justice Roberts, is that any different than outright forcing people to buy healthcare under the original pretext? How is that constitutional?I have laid out all of the arguments against Obamacare previously here, and about how New York City is already abusing its power as the Federal government will soon do here, so I'm not going to rehash it again in this space. To put it plainly, this is an unconscionable blow against the cause of liberty.The only bright spot is that individual states can still opt out of Obamacare's expansion of Medicaid due to to its threat of removing all Medicaid funding from any state that refuses to comply. That was ruled unconstitutional. In the grand scheme ofReceive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!