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U.S. Literally World's Police: Marines Create "Law Enforcement Battalions"

If critics (which naturally includes your authors) needed any more ammunition in their case that America has officially become the "police force of the world" to the detriment of each and every one of its citizens, the new Marine "Law Enforcement Battalions" have offered that up in spades. The Associated Press has a story up citing a new push by the Marine Corps to beef up its Military Police. Not to secure bases or keep order within our own military, mind you, but instead to literally operate as the police of the entire world.

The Marine Corps has created its first law enforcement battalions - a lean, specialized force of military police officers that it hopes can quickly deploy worldwide to help investigate crimes from terrorism to drug trafficking and train fledgling security forces in allied nations. (AP)...Marines have been increasingly taking on the role of a street cop along with their combat duties over the past decade in Iraq and Afghanistan, where they have been in charge of training both countries' security forces. Those skills now can be used as a permanent part of the Marine Corps, Durham said....The battalions will be capable of helping control civil disturbances, handling detainees, carrying out forensic work, and using biometrics to identify suspects. Durham said they could assist local authorities in allied countries in securing crime scenes and building cases so criminals end up behind bars and not back out on the streets because of mistakes.

It's MAGNUM: MP - this fall on FOX!So we are now officially providing international police to the world, something that I'm sure the local police forces will just love, considering how they already deride US involvement and collaborate with terrorists on a regular basis. And, additionally, we set the stage for these new military police to be deployed anywhere and everywhere domestically. There is little doubt that this will happen in little to no time. This is reminiscent of when I was in China, and troops were regularly stationed on street corners in addition to the standard police. Get used to seeing M-16 rifles in your neighborhoods, because they will be appearing very, very soon. As previously covered here, the military is already staging exercises with local police forces and with the despicable NDAA, the use of military force against citizens is an option that sits heavy on the table.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!Oh, and let's not forget that our sovereign nation's Navy is now a "Global Force for Good" as well.