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Ron Paul's "Audit the Fed" Bill Passes the House of Representatives!

Maybe the Mayanss were right and the world is set to end this December.  The events of the past several months certainly lend credence to that theory.  Seemingly unthinkable occurrences only a few years ago are now happening right before our very eyes.   Some events have been good, some revolutionary, and others terrifying.The Pittsburgh Pirates ending their 20 years of losing and becoming legitimate playoff contenders is a good thing.  The President of the “free world” legislating himself the power via Executive Order to control every form of communication if a “National Emergency” is declared falls in to the terrifying category.  It is the revolutionary news from today that has me overflowing with excitement.  Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed bill has passed the House of Representatives with greater than a 2/3rd majority, 327 - 98.  This is extremely important because it takes a 2/3rd majority in the house to override a Presidential veto.  You can bet your life President Obama will defend the Fed’s secrecy and protect his friends in the banking industry by attempting a veto.Congratulations to Congressman Ron Paul!  The man has been absolutely steadfast in his commitment to fight for transparency at the Federal Reserve for nearly forty years.  The Good Doctor is retiring from Congress this year and has just a few months remaining in his tenure.  He has to feel vindicated that he was finally able to wake up enough enough Congressmen to the secrecy that shrouds the Federal Reserve System.The people have spoken loudly and transparency has been demanded at the Federal Reserve.  The thousands of patriots who wrote and called their representative to ensure the passage of this bill deserve our gratitude.  Although, this is a very important step in the process, the fight is not nearly over.  The bill now moves to the Senate where it will be championed by Ron Paul’s son, Rand.Senators will be placed under tremendous amounts of pressure by banking special interests and the Executive Branch to not support a full audit of the Federal Reserve.  Evidence of this pressure can be seen when examining the roll call vote in the House for Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed Bill that passed today.  22 Representative that cosponsored the bill in 2009 voted against it today and even more amazingly 8 representatives that cosponsored BOTH bills (2009 and today) voted against the bill.  One can only imagine what kind of pressure they were placed under or the threats that were made.  We must demand that our Senators uphold the will of the people and deliver the bill to the President’s desk.Please take 5 minutes to view the two videos below.  They are Ron Paul’s and Dennis Kucinich’s floor speeches in support of Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed Bill, H.R. 459.  These men are polar opposites politically, but they both understand that the value of our currency should not be determined by a secret banking cartel that bails out their friends at the detriment of the defenseless lower and middle class.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!