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Obama vs. Ice-T On Guns

There is justifiably great outrage and horror being expressed about the recent "Batman" shootings in Aurora, CO where a dozen were murdered and scores more were injured by a masked and heavily armed gunman. Predictably most of the mainstream media isn't asking the right questions. Equally as predictable is that both sides of the anti-gun/pro gun paradigm use the tragedy to highlight their political views on gun control.Recently none other than My Man! , El Presidente himself spoke up on the issue. Here's what he had to say.Mr. Obama claims to be a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment, before going on to say that he "recognize(s) the traditions of gun ownership...that hunting and shooting are part of a treasured national heritage." Though he claims to speak for the "majority of gun owners", there no mention of self-defense, or defense against a tyrannical government, or pesky things like that.Contrast that with recent statements from rapper and actor Ice-T.Ice-T gets it. He knows that the right to bear arms is "the last form of defense against tyranny, not to hunt. It's to protect yourself against the police.". When Ice-T says he'll "give up his gun when everybody else does" ,the "everybody else" he is referring to is The State. The State always wants to maintain it's legal monopoly on violence, which is always detrimental to the people.Who do you side with? The President, or Scotty Appleton?Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!Who Do You Side With?