Tea Party Candidate Cruz Wins TX Primary; Thanks Ron Paul

POW, right to the kisser! That's what happened to the GOP establishment in Texas last night, as Tea Party candidate and lawyer Ted Cruz upset the heavily backed establishment GOP candidate, David Dewhurst, in the Republican primary runoff for Kay Baily Hutchinson's Senate seat. The Tea Party overlaps with many libertarian ideals (with a lot of room for improvement), however the real reason that this win is getting a nod on Lions of Liberty is that Cruz thanked the true father of the Tea Party movement, Dr. Ron Paul, during his victory speech. Cruz also thanked Rand Paul, Glenn Beck (who we all have issues with, but was a big supporter of Ron Paul and one of the first to have the good doctor on his program in a fair interview back in 2008) and Sean Hannity, who doesn't seem to fit with the rest of that crowd, seeing as he's an establishment shill. Oh well. Can't get them all right I suppose.Full article from Austin Chronicle here.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


RIP Gore Vidal, Truth Teller


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