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Should President Obama Be Indefinitely Detained?

Last week it was revealed that earlier this year President Obama signed a secret order authorizing support for Syrian rebels attempting to overthrow the government of Bashar Al Assad.  Of course, these guys are "freedom fighters", and since America loves freedom, it makes perfect sense to send those wholesome young men aid looted from other hard working freedom loving Americans, right?Setting aside the the Constitutional issues (as everyone else has) with The President involving the U.S. in another armed conflict without the authorization of Congress, another problem lies with just exactly who these rebels are.  According to the very same Reuters article that revealed the secret order,

Recent news reports from the region have suggested that the influence and numbers of Islamist militants, some of them connected to al Qaeda or its affiliates, have been growing among Assad's opponents.

Wait, who was that? Al Qaeda? Aren't those the same guys that planned and carried out the tragic events of 9/11 that changed everything forever?! The same event used to justify every aspect of the police state from airport gropings to the passage of the 2012 NDAA, which authorized the military to indefinitely detain any American suspected of terrorism? According to the language of the NDAA, the President is authorized to detain

A person who was part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces.

Maybe I'm just a stickler for words, but wouldn't authorizing the CIA to arm and provide intelligence to members of Al Qaeda be considered "substantially supporting" them? It seems that The President himself is violating the very law that he signed under the cover of New Year's Eve.  Under this logic, it seems that President Obama should be indefinitely detained by the U.S. military as a domestic terrorist.  For that matter, what about the 3 Stooges of War Mongering - John McCain, Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham - who've criticized the President for not supporting the rebels enough ? Not content with secret support, they've called for the United States to "directly and openly" provide support to the rebel fighters.The best television journalist the country has seen in some time, WXIX in Cincinnati's Ben Swann recently did a "Reality Check" segment breaking down how the U.S. is supporting Al Qaeda fighters in Syria, just as they did in Libya, while at the same time battling those same groups in Iraq, Yemen, and Afghanistan. On the anniversary of the greatest war crime in the history of mankind  it's important to out the lying liars that promote "humanitarian wars" , especially when they could easily lead us into World War 3.  Let's hope the military can put a stop to these domestic terrorists before they do any more damage.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!