National Weather Service Buys 46k Hollowpoint Rounds - FALSE


UPDATE: This story has been cited as FALSE and the bullets are actually for the NOAA Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement (The NWS is a component of NOAA) and it is being claimed as a clerical error citing the NWS instead of the NOAA FOLE. So any reading further on is purely for your own enjoyment. However, in another UPDATE... Now the Social Security Administration has ordered 174K hollow point rounds.It's hot here in Los Angeles right now - typically we don't get past 85 by the beach - however, we're in the middle of a heatwave that is threatening the very temperamental energy grid that keeps our power flowing. The forecast calls for it to cool off a bit in the next few days - no storms coming according to Accuweather. Unfortunately, the situation is quite different in Maine, Mass. and New Jersey, which, according to the National Weather Service can expect massive BULLETSTORMS in the very near future! Did I write that whole weather intro just to use the phrase "Bulletstorm" in this post? Yes. Yes I did.In a perplexing purchase, the NWS has been documented ordering 46,000 rounds of .40 S&W jacketed hollow point (JHP) bullets. If you aren't familiar with JHPs, they are a type of ammunition which are notably deadlier than a standard tipped bullet with the traditional pointed head. Hollow points have an indented tip (see image) that expands upon impact with the body, transferring more energy to the target and additionally slowing within the body. A high velocity bullet with a standard tip is far more likely to cleanly pass through the body. While one would think that a clean entry and exit would be a bad thing, it's actually far more survivable.I have been wracking my brain all morning trying to think of a reason that the NWS would possibly have a need for this type of high powered ammo. In scouring every department of the NWS at the organization website, in addition to reading through the training modules offered, I can see no viable reason for purchasing these bullets. There is no body within the NWS that is involved in any way with Homeland Security or work in the field that would require training in or use of firearms. I have even scoured the individual training manual pdf files for any mention of firearms, ammo, guns, etc. with zero results.The only possible explanation I can think of for this is that the NWS is secretly beginning to train its management teams (and general emergency response employees?) in the use of firearms in preparation for a declaration of a National Emergency. Whether this would be for self defense (as there were reported attacks during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina) or to utilize NWS as a military force in these situations to help disarm the populace (again, Katrina) I don't know. What I do know is that the NWS making these types of moves is a very frightening development, especially in the current pro-gun control climate (and attempted gun control legislation Democrats are trying to sneak into unrelated bills) following the tragic shootings in Sikh Temples and movie theaters recently. As the people's rights to bear arms are threatened, the government seems to be arming every department to the teeth.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon! 


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